Monday, March 29, 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021
Shutter Project Completed
We have all these old shutters in our barn. This photo taken before I did a culling. Some were in too lousy shape to hope to do anything with them.
I did select one to scrape with a wire brush, and then wash thoroughly. Amazing how much dirt accumulated in the maybe 100 years since these were on the house. These were in the part of the barn where the 1906 newspaper was found.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Shot Side Effects
As for other side effects yesterday:
sore arm,
loopy feeling, and
achy all over.
Today we are both fine. We slept well though got up lots of times to pee because we guzzled water yesterday. We heard that water was a good antidote for less reaction.
Neither of us experienced fever or chills.
Back to normal and now two weeks from full immunity!
Photo from the files - Botanic Garden in Washington, DC.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
2nd Shot
Monday, March 22, 2021
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Welcome Spring
Purchased these wooden letters for an old shutter redo.
On Pinterest saw lots of possibilities though mostly winter themed but figure I can do something similar for spring.

Inside I've got some spring decor out.
Pysanky eggs are on display. Most of these decorated over the years.
Friday, March 19, 2021
And there's more
AC was right when he called the picture I posted yesterday a paint by number. We took it down and it sure enough is a painting.
There are these two finds also - flags. Not particularly old. The US flag has 50 stars. The other flag is a New England flag adopted in 1988. It's sold on Amazon here.
Here they are dirty hanging over a shelf in the barn. We found them last month when Dan turned the sign around. They had fallen or been stuffed behind the cream separator sign.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Other finds
Sharing some other finds from the barn but first - pussy willows.
Daughter Emily gave me a sprig from her tree with the instructions to put it in water. The first photo is from Tuesday when she gave it to me and the second from this morning.
As to the finds - there is this tiny medal attached to the door jamb of the barn entrance.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
I spoke to daughter Emily about New Hampshire etiquette for putting things out on the roadside free for the taking.
She said that we didn't do anything wrong. If someone had really wanted something but couldn't haul it then they should have asked us to set it aside off the street.
It's there for whoever is there to take it at the time. I guess that's why the woman didn't get mad with me on the phone.
Monday, March 15, 2021
News from here
Friday, March 12, 2021
Connecticut River
We took a drive into Vermont one day this past week to go to a local hardware store to look at paint colors. We've got a contract with a painter to paint the outside of our clapboard house. We plan to change the color from all white. Coming home I had Dan stop so I could take a picture of the frozen Connecticut River.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Found, too.
Last month when Dan was cleaning out one of the loft areas in the barn he came upon this newspaper remnant. It helped him date when the items in the barn were placed there and not touched since: 1906
The paper is in very bad shape. We're not sure what was spattered all over it. I've saved what I could and bagged it up as house history.
The paper comes from New York City.