Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Reichenbach Falls

If you are a reader of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series these falls will not be a mystery for you.  For those who haven't indulged in that mystery series,  Reichenbach Falls is the site of the demise of Sherlock Holmes and his mortal enemy Moriarty.  Alas readers of Conan Doyle were so aghast that he would kill off the protagonist, that  C. D. was forced to resurrect Sherlock Holmes.  He reappears after several years with a story as to how he survived the fall in the falls.

Reichenbach Falls is in Meiringen where we were based for our vacation.  In fact we could hear the falls and see the base of it from our backyard.

Dan and I walked over there to travel up the funicular and experience the falls close up.

We later stopped in to see the Sherlock Holmes Museum in town.

It was once a church.

Baker Street reincarnated.

So if you haven't read Sherlock Holmes now you must.
I took a paperback copy of The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes to re read while I was there.  I left the book in the apartment for future visitors to read and enjoy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cheese Making the Old Fashioned Way

 One museum we spent a lot of time visiting was the Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum. This was an assortment of buildings assembled here from their original locations throughout Switzerland and representing different regions and periods of time.

The cheese making house was a going concern that day and we stayed and spoke to the cheese maker.

I took videos and tried to keep them short to load here.  I went too long on one so it's not included. You should be able to get a sense of what's happening.  Above he's sitting stirring the large pot of milk and curds are forming.  He gave us tastes of the curds and granddaughter #1 drank some of the whey.

Notice the stick he is stirring with.  He called it a Christmas tree.

He gathers the curds and lets them drain then takes large fistfuls and fills molds to make the cheese.

Matt, my son in law, bought some cheese too.  Not sure if they ate it before we left Switzerland or if this was the cheese forgotten in the freezer.  It was remembered as we stood waiting for the train to arrive to take us back to Zurich on our last day in Meiringen.  Not enough time to run back to apartment to get it.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Big News

 A must watch commentary complimenting Biden for the incredibly difficult decision he made for the good of our country.

Watch here.