I've been struggling with the pathways in my perennial garden for sometime.

Originally I expected the creeping thyme to take over and until it did that mulch would cover the soil. Well, mulch washes away and the creeping thyme has not been as cooperative as I wanted it to be.

Several years ago to halt the erosion from the runoff from the roof I put stones down in the pathways nearest the house. That worked well and in fact the creeping thyme loved growing in there.
So I had the inspiration to put stone down in all the pathways. With the help of some inheritance money I now have a project awaiting me. The pathways will have the flagstones and the gravel will fill in but the creeping thyme can still grow. I'm hoping to contract some labor to help me with this because the stones are larger than what I worked with before.
Truck with 5 bins of washed gravel. Each bin contains 1 ton.
Forklift is putting the old pallet back on the truck from when I got stone from them before.
Forklift had to come up next to the glen.
I had a large tarp for the gravel.
This is 2 tons of flagstones.
5 tons of washed gravel on the tarp.
I'll post the finished project when its done.