Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Phone Snaps

Had to travel an hour south to Keene, NH for a preop appointment for cataract surgery.  Returning I snapped this photo of the frozen Connecticut River as we crossed from VT to NH.


And then through the windshield this snap of Mount Ascutney.

It's snowing as I write this and forecast is a bit vague on the amounts we'll get.  Thermometer is reading 8º so the snow is very fine and dry.

As to the eye surgery - just my left eye has the cataract and surgery will happen in April.  All elective surgeries are on hold because of staffing shortages right now.  Timing is fine with me.