Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Jennifer Rubin Writes

 The Washington Post

June 21, 2024

by Jennifer Rubin

President Biden steps off Marine One in Los Angeles on Sunday. (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)


Tom said...

...too many only care about the price of things. If prices go up it's Biden fault, if prices go down is it Biden's fault?

Barbara Rogers said...

Good article. Did you read Heather Cox Richardson's this morning? I copied just this on FB from it:
"With new polls showing Biden overtaking the lead in the presidential contest, right-wing media has been pushing so-called cheap fakes: videos that don’t use AI but misrepresent what happened by deceptively cutting the film or the shot.
Social media has been flooded with images of Biden appearing to bend over for no apparent reason at a D-Day commemoration; the clip cuts off both the chair behind him and that everyone else was sitting down, too. Another, from the recent G7 summit, appears to show the president wandering away from a group of leaders during a skydiving demonstration; in fact, he was walking toward and speaking to a parachute jumper who had just landed but was off camera. A third appears to show Biden unable to say the name of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas; in fact, he was teasing Mayorkas, and the film cuts off just before Biden says his name.
On Monday, June 17, Judd Legum of Popular information produced a deep report on how the right-wing Sinclair Broadcast Group has been flooding its local media websites with these and other stories suggesting that President Biden is “mentally unfit for office.” Legum noted that these stories appeared simultaneously on at least 86 local news websites Sinclair owns.
Letters from An American

Bobi said...

Sadly too many of the electorate get their information from illegitimate sources and can't determine fact from fiction. It's frightening.

Stewart M said...

Well, I know who I would be voting for if I was in the US - and it seems we would be on the same page.

Even in Australia the reach of the 'Orange Stain' is noticeable.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Vicki Lane said...

So many excellent points. Too bad the MAGA crowd is deaf and blind to anything but their golden calf.

Jenny Woolf said...

If anything has convinced me that human beings are not rational and will willingly sacrifice themselves and their loved ones for an idea, it is the support that Trump gets. It really makes no sense otherwise.

diane b said...

He sounds the best choice from here in Australia.