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Friday, October 25, 2024

If Only tRumpites Would Read Jennifer Rubin.

from The Washington Post

October 25, 2024
by Jennifer Rubin

Distinguished person of the week

The Harris campaign has no shortage of effective surrogates. But Mark Cuban, a true billionaire, has become especially adept at talking bluntly to businesspeople about their excuse for voting for Trump — the economy.

He has conducted tutorials on tariffs. He has laid out in simple terms how disastrous they would be, not only for consumers, but also for small businesses that cannot eat the added cost.

This week, Cuban also told small business owners they would make more money under a Harris administration than under Trump. The Arizona Republic reported: “Cuban pitched Harris as someone who is open to listening to the business community and ‘not an ideologue.’” Cuban continued, saying Trump has no “origin story” and does not understand the “power of broke” because he “asked daddy for money.”

In an interview with CNBC, Cuban said he also told restaurant owners:

What would it be like if all of a sudden you’ve got a knock on your door and there was somebody from Stephen Miller squad asking you for the names and addresses and immigration status of everybody that works for you? That’s not how you can run a country.

If you follow the polls, you will notice voters increasingly favoring Vice President Kamala Harris on the economy, long a strong suit for Trump. Certainly, credit goes to Harris and her campaign, which has doggedly contrasted her economic plan with his one-note tax cuts for the rich and stressed differences on policy (e.g., minimum wage, Social Security). And, certainly, Trump’s stunts (playacting at McDonalds) have not helped him. But Cuban — who has high credibility with the business community — deserves his share of credit. Maybe he can hang around after the election and help educate both the public and political pundits about economic reality.