I started the Harvest Week last Monday picking this green pepper which didn't have much that was eatable.

The next day I picked two Cubanelle and two green peppers, green beans, zucchini and some basil.

Thursday I picked these zucchini that went into a shrimp stir fry.

The garlic was harvested last week and is drying in the garage.

More cherry tomatoes which are very sweet.

The single zucchini went into a salad and I steamed the green beans. The bunny is enjoying them too. The onions were part of my onion harvest. Now I know how you get pearl onions! That's the size these were so I added them to frozen green peas.

Sunday I braided the onions after they had hung to dry on the fence for two days and then got rained on early Sunday morning. I have to rethink how I grow onions. They are not very large.

These are the bullnecked ones which I'll have to use first.

This morning I got two more cherry toms and two cucumbers for the 4th of July dinner tonight.
See other harvest at our host
Daphne's Dandelions.