The last two books I've read were both for book groups I'm part of. Here at Vantage House the book for our March discussion is Alternate Side by Anna Quindlen. The March selection for the WOW Book Club is Gateway to the Moon by Mary Morris.
Two very different books!

Quindlen's writing style does not tell a story straight from beginning to end so as the story progresses you are taken back in time, so to speak, to learn the backstories. Once you get used to it, it makes for good reading.

At first you are bombarded with lots of characters and I found myself flipping back to the family trees to see who they were in the scheme of her story. It was confusing and if I had read this book slowly it would have been doubly so for all the characters. But overall it made for an interesting history lesson and uncovering of family traditions that date so far back that present day has lost touch with their origins.