Dawn the morning after a snow several days ago.

And more tracks.
I've written before about my husband playing the tuba with the local community band. Sunday was the first concert for the 2023-24 season. There is another concert later this spring and then through the summer they will play in lots of little towns through the Upper Valley.
Dan wasn't sure I'd want to come to this concert as there were a lot of modern compositions. But it was easier for me to come than not. We had church in the morning then grabbed lunch then he reported to the middle school in Hanover where the concert was to be held. I brought a book along and sat on a bench with these lovely ladies.
If you click on the photo you can see Dan's tuba just beyond the woman in the red hat on the right.
Interestingly enough the granddaughters music teacher is also in this band. He's recently moved to the area after graduating from college. He plays clarinet and his girlfriend plays the French horn. She teaches music, too at another school.
Reprinted from The Washington Post
January 2, 2023
by Jennifer Rubin
-HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (written by kids)
1. You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10
2- No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all the way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. -- Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you’ve known the person FOREVER by then.. -- Camille, age 10
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. -- Derrick, age 8
Both don't want any more kids. -- Lori, age 8
Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. -- Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure?)
- On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. -- Martin, age 10
-When they're rich. -- Pam, age 7 (Love her)
-The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. - - Curt, age 7
-The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do. Howard, age 8
It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. -- Anita, age 9(bless you child)
There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? -- Kelvin, age 8
And the #1 Favorite is.......
Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck. -- Ricky, age 9
Thanks Marilyn for sharing these with me to share with others.
We did our part but ...
Dan is registered as undeclared/independent. He got to select the ballot he wanted. He couldn't comfortably say Republican so he said "Red." Dan voted for Haley as an anti-tRump vote. He felt like he was holding is nose to do even that. We know others including our daughter and son in law who did the same thing. It helped Haley some but not enough.
I'm registered Democrat. I wrote in Joe Biden.
How to stop tRump?
I fear for our country and feel so very sorry for those fellow Americans who have been taken in by his lies and the lies of Fox news.
Addendum for Suz-ee's benefit and others unfamiliar.
For primaries when candidates for elected office are selected by party you have to be registered as Democrat or Republican to vote in the respective party primaries. My husband registered as an independent could not vote in primaries when we lived in Maryland. In NH independents are allowed to select a party primary to vote in on primary election day which is what he did. Afterward he changed his affiliation back to Independent.
Who you vote for is still by secret ballot.
From the Washington Post Jan 19, 2024
by Jennifer Rubin
What caught my eye |
In response to endless carping about his age, Biden cannot change his birthdate, but he can project an image of vitality and vigor. Indeed, alert voters should have noticed by now the contrast between his cogent, policy-laden speeches and the increasingly unhinged, rambling screeds we get from the GOP front-runner. The contrast might sharpen as four-time-indicted former president Donald Trump launches more rants on more courthouse steps in the coming months. In the new year, Biden already has made headway in blowing away the right-wing canard that he is enfeebled and out to lunch. The president’s strength and decisiveness in support of U.S. interests stand in stark contrast with Trump, who cozied up to dictators, undermined NATO and allegedly purloined national security secrets at the end of his presidency. In the foreign policy realm, Biden answered the Houthis’ Red Sea attacks with military strikes. Decisive action and tough rhetoric undercut the claim that he is feeble. “The operation, short and limited to military targets, and in a nation that cannot control the piratical acts of an unwelcome group, falls well within the legal as well as the traditional requirements for the use of force by members of the international community,” military expert Tom Nichols wrote for the Atlantic. “So far, both American political parties, even with a bit of GOP grumbling, have made the right call to support action against the Houthis.” It didn’t hurt Biden that hysterical voices on his left flankmade constitutionally unsupportable demands that he seek permission from Congress before acting. Also, expect to see Biden’s whirlwind visits to war zones in Israel and Ukraine featured in more campaign ads and speeches. “Twice now President Joe Biden made the decision to visit active war zones not under U.S. military command,” professor and journalist Steven Beschloss wrote on Substack. “These trips, to Kyiv in February and to Tel Aviv … are without precedent in modern American history.” Beschloss added that voters can appreciate the “vigor and guts — and principle — it took to meet American allies in person to demonstrate American support, despite genuine danger.” Punchy speeches with sharp barbs aimed at Trump also show the sort of instinct for the jugular rarely seen during Biden’s first three years in office. Delighting in calling Trump a loser, Biden no longer hides his contempt for his likely November opponent. During his speech last week at Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, S.C., Biden declared, “Let me say what others cannot: We must reject political violence in America. Always, not sometimes. Always. It’s never appropriate.” He added about Trump, “Losers are taught to concede when they lose. And he’s a loser.” |
The Biden campaign has also embraced the “Brandon” meme, transforming an obscene chant into a winking affirmation of Biden’s strength. As Axios reported, “‘Dark Brandon’ — an online meme that portrays the 80-year-old president as a two-steps-ahead Machiavelli — is driving the Biden campaign’s merchandise sales.” Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign now openly mocks Trump for “confused,” rambling utterances. And when late-night comics pick up the refrain, news outlets and voters alike begin to look for more instances of unhinged, incoherent tirades. Collectively, the predominant “narrative” might shift to match reality. Biden is old but sharp; Trump is out of shape and out to lunch. |
According to the introductory video Windsor, Vermont and this armory turned into a gun manufacturing plant is where the American method of manufacturing was born. A need for rifles made quickly led to a method of manufacturing that created interchangeable parts and machines run by water power to speed up the time required to make them.
A subsequent show of this method at the Crystal Palace in London - the first World's Fair - had people convinced that a new age of precision was born.
I know you've heard of Silicon Valley, but before that there was Precision Valley starting in Windsor.
The Precision Museum is one of those small museums that packs a lot into it. The focus is machines that made manufacturing and subsequently life easier for all of our ancestors and us, too.
Last Sunday I had the opportunity to finally meet the woman who I've been ordering Stampin Up card supplies from since I moved to NH in 2020. Lorraine lives about 50 minutes south of me and when she offered this Sunday class I readily signed up.
Lorraine has the entire basement devoted to her crafting. Here is the table all set for the class.
I couldn't capture it all but had to admire all the sample cards including this one I plan to replicate twice for the 10 year birthday of granddaughter #1 and the 2 year birthday of granddaughter #4.
A good time was had by all.
If you want to see what Lorraine is up to, visit her website HERE.
We had quite high winds last night into early this morning. Lots of rain too.
I had planned to post this Saturday morning but as I sat to write the power went out. It just came back on 10 minutes ago - 7 pm Saturday.
Dan was called by fire department (he's a volunteer) at 5 am because of downed wires on the road south of here. He didn't get home until 9:30.
We are glad we put in the woodstove. It kept us warm and I used it to warm soup for supper.
Reprinted from The Washington Post, January 12, 2024
Life is complex! Or when it rains, it pours!
I had on my calendar to call the electrician in the new year to see if we could schedule a visit to add a socket for a new electric dryer. Current dryer is propane and lots of years old. We are replacing both the washer and the dryer in our bathroom/laundry renovation.
I got the electrician right away on Wednesday morning but they couldn't commit. They referred me to someone else with whom I left a long message. Then Dan suggested I ask Tony, our neighbor, who is very handy with all things electric including putting up solar panels. He said sure. As I write he has started work.
While Tony was here scoping out the task Wednesday the plumber called. They were scheduled to give us an estimate on Friday so I was fearful they were going to push that back again. Original date had been Dec. 15th. But no, they wanted to come within the hour. Zach came and stayed over an hour. He will be in touch next week with estimate and timetable.
With both those trades in the works I had to make some final decisions on which dryer and washer, and vanity. Did that last night and Home Depot to deliver the appliances on Jan 10th! By bedtime wednesday we were both exhausted from decision fatigue.
As I said Tony is at work now to get socket in place. Dan has started deconstruction that falls on him to do. He removed the mirror/medicine cabinet. We will replace with a simple mirror. The vanity will have the storage we need. Plumber will help remove and replace vanity to preserve the pipes.
Me? I've been finishing it up the kitchen project painting the chair that we found in the barn loft when we first moved here. It's our extra chair at the dining room table when we have more than 4 to seat. I decided to keep it in the kitchen instead of the guest room and paint it blue.
On top of all that I needed to be in touch with Untours about booking our flight to Switzerland for our two weeks there with family this summer. Had a long conversation on that this morning.
Finally we had a very light dusting of snow today but now the sun is out and it will disappear. It is a very strange winter not to have mounds of snow around.