Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

News from Here

 Life is complex! Or when it rains, it pours!

I had on my calendar to call the electrician in the new year to see if we could schedule a visit to add a socket for a new electric dryer.  Current dryer is propane and lots of years old.  We are replacing both the washer and the dryer in our bathroom/laundry renovation.

I got the electrician right away on Wednesday morning but they couldn't commit.  They referred me to someone else with whom I left a long message.  Then Dan suggested I ask Tony, our neighbor, who is very handy with all things electric including putting up solar panels.  He said sure.  As I write he has started work.

While Tony was here scoping out the task Wednesday the plumber called.  They were scheduled to give us an estimate on Friday so I was fearful they were going to push that back again.  Original date had been Dec. 15th. But no, they wanted to come within the hour.  Zach came and stayed over an hour.  He will be in touch next week with estimate and timetable.

With both those trades in the works I had to make some final decisions on which dryer and washer, and vanity.  Did that last night and Home Depot to deliver the appliances on Jan 10th! By bedtime wednesday we were both exhausted from decision fatigue.

As I said Tony is at work now to get socket in place.  Dan has started deconstruction that falls on him to do. He removed the mirror/medicine cabinet. We will replace with a simple mirror.  The vanity will have the storage we need.  Plumber will help remove and replace vanity to preserve the pipes.

Me?  I've been finishing it up the kitchen project painting the chair that we found in the barn loft when we first moved here. It's our extra chair at the dining room table when we have more than 4 to seat.  I decided to keep it in the kitchen instead of the guest room and paint it blue.

On top of all that I needed to be in touch with Untours about booking our flight to Switzerland for our two weeks there with family this summer. Had a long conversation on that this morning.

Finally we had a very light dusting of snow today but now the sun is out and it will disappear.  It is a very strange winter not to have mounds of snow around.

Still on my list, painting the cabinets over the washer and dryer to match the new vanity and stain the table in the kitchen to match the new oak cabinets.


Tom said...

...lining up construction workers can be a chore!

Barbara Rogers said...

I got tired just reading about all this, in one day! Goodness! Good for you, and a smattering of snow. We'll probably get some tomorrow night, changing to rain by dawn on Sat. Boo hoo. Well, we need rain. But I want a photo of pretty snow. Selfish me.

Terra said...

Home improvement projects can be exhausting making all the decisions. I had a new roof, gutters and fascia installed in August, I live alone so all decisions were mine. My husband used to do all those types of projects. The dusting of snow in your photo looks clean and refreshing.

Fun60 said...

You must feel immensely satisfied when you can cross all these things off your list.

Anvilcloud said...

Things are happening.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's so nice to get the projects done around the house but so much work and stress. We have a list we need to work on. Enjoy your day! Stay warm!

Kay said...

Switzerland sounds wonderful! My husband is dying to go to Sri Lanka. Hmmm...

You are getting a lot done over at your house. We did hire a contractor to do a couple of bathroom renovations, but it's been delayed and delayed. Fingers crossed that it actually happens in February.

Sami said...

Good luck with all the home improvements. There's always something to do around the house!
Happy trip planning :)