For the near future, what I take from this is no in person gatherings of any length like church services, restaurant meals, parties, family gatherings from far and wide. For those contemplating returning to work in the office, not a good idea.
65 days to the move!
So you may be asking, what's with the roses?
On Saturday we took a quick trip to Whole Foods for much needed supplies: milk, lettuce, coffee, and tea. While waiting on the marked spots at the proper social distance, the line to the check out took us passed a display of roses. I told Dan I wanted to buy myself some roses for Mother's Day. So I did.
These are lovely but yesterday I got to thinking how did these roses grow with such long stems? I've never seen a rose plant do that. Today I noticed that some of these buds will likely never open. The buds will bend and droop as so many of these long stemmed roses do. Take a look back at the photos and you'll see what I mean.
Then look at the bud above and how many petals are in there that will never see the light of day.
My daughter asked who sent the roses and I told her. She was going to order some flowers for me but didn't know if they'd be delivered. They would have. There were mountains of flowers in the vestibule of our lobby yesterday afternoon.
Travelling is yet another dimension of headache (metaphorical).
Roses are hit and miss with me. Sometimes they last longer than they should and other times they are drooping the next day. What a great idea to buy yourself a bunch of flowers. this time I'm content to stay put and work on my blog!
Your flower gift to yourself was lovely, Marcia, and I have also gifted them to myself at various times. That said, roses are not always my first choice as I often have issues with making them survive for a few days. Sunflowers by comparison have a very long life span on my dining rood table. I hope that all will go well with the upcomng move and can understand the logistics of planning where to stay. Also hope you will be able to visit your daughter and see their new home in Buffalo.
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