Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Home Again

 Wednesday was final travel day home to NH.  We did the first leg of the trip - Meiringen to Zurich - on Tuesday because check out time from apartment was 8 am Wednesday and flight home at 12:55 pm from Zurich.  Too much of a time crunch and too, we got to spend Tuesday afternoon in Zurich (along with a whole lot of Swifties we learned later since Taylor Swift had concerts on the 9th and 10th there).

Wednesday morning we departed our hotel, walking to train station at 9 am which was 3 am EDT. It was a one stop train ride to another mini train to the airport.  It took us over an hour to get through checking our bags, security check point, multiple passport control check points and then a wait to plane loading which started shortly after noon (6 am EDT). 

The plane was over 8 hours in duration.  Once we landed at Boston Logan we were delayed on tarmac until after 4 pm EDT because another plane occupied our berth.  We had hoped to catch the 4:50 pm EDT bus to Lebanon, NH but the customs and border control wicket was a very long line, then the wait for the bags, one of which didn't show up.  It belonged to Granddaughter #1 and we learned it never made it on the plane. 

The bus we finally caught was the 5:50 pm bringing us to Lebanon at 8:45 pm.  The drive home brought us to our door after 9 pm.  

 3 am to 9 pm is eighteen hours travel time. I think!  I'm fuzzy headed this morning.  It was easy to get up at 6 am but as the day has progressed my ability to accomplish anything has declined.  Laundry has been started but trying to make a grocery list and do some meal planning is exhausting.

I've already had one nap!  More in my future as I adapt to new time and jet lag lessens.


Anvilcloud said...

What a marathon!

Tom said...

...welcome back.

Fun60 said...

One of the drawbacks of long haul trips.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Yep, travel can be tiring,

Barbara Rogers said...

Stay doing things slow and easy for a few days...and definitely nothing risky performed! Naps are good, but you do want to strive for the local rhythm. I'm just spouting off, as I've only done the westward jet lag a few times.

Granny Sue said...

Oh my, what a journey. Rest up!

Kay said...

Welcome home! It really looks like you had a super fun trip.