Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

My Gardens

Took a walk around the yard to capture what's in bloom and what's growing well.  

Here in reverse order (thanks to Blogger) are my photos.

Along the driveway this wildflower/weed is now in bloom with it's yellow flowers. I pull this out in most of the beds but let it grow along here. The standing stone is a remnant from the past of a fence line. 

Last year a neighbor gifted me with forget me nots which are now blooming along the driveway.  There are also some dark purple pansies there that seeded themselves from last year's transplants. Sorry that the photo doesn't do justice to the colors.

And finally farther up the driveway are these blooming narcissus.

On the front porch are the pots I filled on Sunday.  I thought this geranium was very striking.

This bleeding heart was a transplant from another neighbor last year. 

In the garden bed under the hemlock trees some of the monster hosta are shooting up. I have six, each a different variety, that I planted three years ago.  I'm hoping that this year they show off their size better. Not sure which one this is but it should get at least  30" high and can grow to a width of 40"-60".

Here is my Mother's Day gift from Emily, a primula that loves shade and will spread.  It's needed in this bed.

This Lenten Rose was an earlier Mother's Day gift.

The flowers tend to face the ground.

In the Hosta Garden there are a wide variety of hosta of all sizes.  Most of these came to me free from a local gardener.  They were tiny when I got them and some of them will remain tiny,

These blue flowers whose name escapes me right now are enjoying the Hosta Garden location.

I repainted my shutter angel this year.

My bird bath has a different location this year.  Another rhododendren died this winter so now we have only the one you see on the left. I moved a volunteer vinca vine here and the pansies.

Hoping to have lupine blooms this year.

This is a daffodil without the trumpet center.

The bleeding heart here in the Deck Garden is huge. Blooms just now showing.

More pots planted on Sunday afternoon.

On Saturday I figured it was time to hang the hummingbird feeder though none had been spotted. At least two hours after hanging this, the hummingbird came by.  As we ate lunch on Monday on the deck there were two vying for dominance of the feeder.

Finally here is our view. The green colors are returning. Temperature today is to be in the 80ºs!


Tom said...

...I have been working in the garden, I had to take a break and come inside. Enjoy your garden.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the garden tour, Marcia, and it looks like you have lovely bolts now and coming later.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Good old blogger - always there to muddle things up for us! The garden has plenty of variety and beauty even so.

Anvilcloud said...

You have quite the botanical display. That one patch of hostas should do well in their third year. At least that is what is supposed to happen.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your garden looks great, Marcia.

Vicki Lane said...

Your garden is really coming on now! I love the forget-me-nots--I've started some from seed and hope they thrive.

acorn hollow said...

I will start with your view just wonderful! your gardens are further along than mine are, and I have mostly hosta and mostly free too. I have lots of shade, so I need to make sure I have more shade plants to fill in.

Barbara Rogers said...

You have created a wonderful peaceful spot for enjoyment through the next two seasons.