Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


 I woke up Friday morning with my knee hurting.  I tried to recall as I lay in bed whether I had bumped it the day before, but nothing came to mind.  I finally got up and took a look.  There was a black spot like a blood blister but darker.  When I put on my glasses I realized it was a tiny tick!

I called Dan to get the tick spoon to take it off.  It had been feasting on me all night I imagine. He got it off but all day my knee hurt a bit.

I've had ticks on me before but crawling.  I don't recall one having attached and feeding.

I pray I don't get Lyme Disease as this one was a tiny deer tick.

 I know what to watch out for so all I can do is wait.


Anvilcloud said...

That's scary.

Tom said...

I've never knowingly been in a area with ticks. Lyme Disease isn't something to mess with.

Barbara Rogers said...

No circle of redness where he had bit you? That's somewhat better sign. But that your knee felt the pain from that tiny bite is quite amazing. You are sensitive. I also hope no signs of Lyme Disease. Be well.

Barbara Anne said...

I live just outside Richmond, VA and will tell you about the Lone Star tick that has spread across the South and up the Eastern Seaboard, and perhaps elsewhere. This small tick has a white dot on its back and its bite can make you allergic to meat - especially beef -, milk, and other foods. I was bitten by one of these ticks about 5 years ago and had horrid GI symptoms after I ate beef until I (sniffle, wail!) quit eating beef at all.

This is something to be aware of as you go forward.

The Lyme disease tick make an actual Bull's Eye pattern on your skin with concentric red/pale/red rings. I've been bitten by one of them, too. Sigh!

Wishing you well!

Vicki Lane said...

With our dogs, especially my wandering Jenny, ticks are inevitable. we are seeing lots of tiny seed ticks just now. Certainly something to be aware of--I've been bitten many time, so far without ill effect. My DIL the nurse says that the danger is when they stay attached for over 48 hours. So it's good to do a daily tick search.

Terra said...

Ticks are scary even here in California. I found one crawling on my jeans two months ago, it scared me. They are very hard to kill, have you tried? I tried to kill it, then flushed it down the toilet.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I know I commented yesterday, but I guess I was banished to Spam. If you still have the tick, send it to your local university and they will be able to identify it and tell you whether it is a potential problem or not.

Fun60 said...

That is horrible. I am very aware of ticks when I go out walking and will always wear long trousers now so it's not so easy for them to get to me. Lyme disease is so.ething we all need to be aware of. Take care.