The sun was bright enough to coax the first daffodils to open.

These daffodils won't be long in opening.

Birds are busy. This woodpecker has decided to use the fence corner to hold the sunflower seed while he pecks it open.
Frogs have laid eggs.
Bluebirds are laying claim to the birdhouse.
A few other critters allowed themselves to be photographed.
lovely pics Marcia! You are a little ahead of us. We had snow on Saturday and again on Monday. But, the weather is improving and the crocuses are blooming! Happy Spring!
Hi Robin. We were so spoiled last year with the early spring. This year it's taking its time getting warm. Tried to work out in the perennial garden today but only lasted an hour. Cold wind got to me even though sun was warm.
Happy Spring to you Marcia!
A nice photo collection representing Spring in your garden. I love the Red-headed Woodpecker and the Blue.
It was in the 60's today but a cold front is coming in so temps are to dip into the 20's by morning. Spring has always been a roller coaster here in Georgia.
Happy spring! How fun to have daffodils opening just for you on the first day of spring! And those crocuses are fabulous! For some reason, my crocuses never bloomed - just foliage. I'm still hoping they'll decide to bloom for me eventually!
Wow, so pretty! Spring is here!!! Or almost here, ha.
Hi Marcia, I have a similar post coming up on Monday --showing some of our early spring blooms. Daffodils are still a favorite although I do love all of the little Crocus blooms too.
Great photo of the Red-headed Woodpecker. We have them --but I haven't seen them during the winter much around here. They will definitely be here this spring.
It's been cold here today--and they say it will remain cold for another week or so... SO--I guess spring isn't ready to visit us yet.
We were spoiled last year with Spring so early. I'll try to be patient.
First - May be spring for you and Holley there in Texas but we have a wait yet.
That's very curious about your crocuses. I uncovered some yesterday that may not bloom. Too much competition maybe.
Yes, Jean, I have enjoyed seeing the bluebirds return to the box. Nice to see you stopping by ABY on occasion. Hope life is treating you better these days with that new grand baby.
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