Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Monday, March 3, 2025

From The Contrarian on this Monday Morning

It’s not Dickens—it’s the MAGA agenda

Taking food from children; healthcare from the infirmed

Given the scope of the MAGA assault on the foundations of our democracy, many Democrats, responsible media outlets, and concerned Americans have (understandably) been focused on its attempt to obliterate the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the First Amendment. But we should never lose track of the abject immorality that is part and parcel of an ideology based on vengeful victimhood, conspiracy-mongering, and repudiation of science.

From the outbreak of measles to stalling grants to the pursuit of cures for “diseases ranging from heart disease and cancer to Alzheimer's and allergies” to renewing the starvation crisis in Sudan to devasting cuts at the Veterans Administration to dismissal of patriotic, highly-trained trans members of the armed services…we cannot miss this administration’s abject cruelty; its almost-boisterous disregard for human life and dignity.

House and Senate Republicans bear just as much responsibility as President in Name Only (PINO) Donald Trump and acting president Elon Musk for mutely going along with these actions. Moreover, we must view the House budget as yet another exercise in cruelty and reckless endangerment of human life.

“Trump and Musk have slashed roughly 2,400 VA jobs…A decision that won’t make things more efficient, like they claimed, but will actually lead to longer wait times, more backlog and more chaos for Veterans,” Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Minn.) recently said at a virtual townhall. “They’ve also launched a wider purge of federal workers—firing, in total, an estimated 6,000 Veterans, including the folks behind the Veterans Crisis Line.” She emphasized, “The only reason they are doing this is to try to find enough loose change behind the couch cushions so that they can give even bigger tax breaks to the rich guys they pal around with on the golf course.”

Breaking the sacred obligation to care for our veterans is only one aspect of the onslaught. Perhaps the most egregious is the plan to slash $880B from Medicaid. The argument that cuts of that magnitude can be achieved by “reform” or by cutting “waste, fraud, and abuse,” frankly, insults our intelligence.

The impact of such cuts is immense given the reach of Medicaid. The Kaiser Family Foundation notes, “Medicaid is the primary program providing comprehensive health and long-term care to one in five people living in the U.S. and accounts for nearly $1 out of every $5 spent on health care.” Medicaid covers not only the poorest Americans, but seniors’ long-term health care, drug addicts, and the disabled. More than 72 million Americans are enrolled in some aspect of the program.

The results of capping the cost per beneficiary could be devastating. By 2034, 15 million fewer people would be receiving benefits including:

  • 5.3 million children

  • 4.8 million adults eligible through the ACA expansion

  • 2.9 million parents and other adults under age 65

  • 1.3 million people with disabilities

  • 0.6 million people ages 65 and older.

KFF points out that an “additional 15 million expansion enrollees could lose Medicaid coverage (totaling about 20 million expansion enrollees by FY 2034) if the ACA expansion match rate is also eliminated.”

Especially hard-hit would be hospitals, in particular rural hospitals already facing economic distress. “Rural Americans would also be at risk of losing services,” ABC News reported. “Penn State professor Dennis Shea said many rural hospitals and community health centers have already closed and the ones that remain open already face funding challenges.” If they lose funding, hospitals will close and deprive rural residents of critical medical services. Moreover, since rural hospitals often are the major employer in their localities, a closure can have devastating ripple effects on the entire community.

In short, Republicans pushing these cuts are depriving their constituents of healthcare, consigning rural hospitals to closure, and potentially wrecking the economic lifeline for their communities.

Understand, they are doing this so that Trump, Musk, and the oligarch class can get more tax breaks.

As if that were not bad enough, House Republicans want to cut $230B from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over ten years. “[L]awmakers cannot cut $230 billion—or anything close to that amount — from SNAP without slashing benefits, restricting eligibility, or some combination of both,” the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities finds. “Republican lawmakers could make these benefit or eligibility cuts directly through changes to federal SNAP policy. But they could also enact them indirectly by shifting costs to states, forcing state officials to decide whose benefits will be cut and by how much.” Those changes amount to slashing “more than 20 percent from a program that helps more than 40 million people, including 1 in 5 children, afford groceries.” (About 90 percent of the households receiving SNAP benefits have “children, older adults, or people with disabilities.”)

Contrary to what you hear from Republicans, SNAP already imposes strict work requirements on most adults who are over the age of eighteen without children in the home. They can remain on benefits for only 3 months “unless they can demonstrate they are working at least 20 hours per week or prove they qualify for an exemption, such as having a disability.” These are not flimsy, free-loader-friendly programs. (Most SNAP beneficiaries already work; the notoriously cumbersome red tape will wind up depriving eligible people of benefits to which they are entitled.) Making such requirements even more exacting undoubtedly yields hardship for the most vulnerable Americans.

This might sound like a bone-chilling Dickens novel. (“Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?”) Sadly, this very real scheme is MAGA nirvana: Take away healthcare benefits from grandma in a nursing home. Snatch food stamps away from a hungry, disabled child or elderly person. And boot out drug addicts from lifesaving treatment programs. (Not to mention massive cuts to Pell Grants, school lunches, and Head Start.) All of this is designed to give the richest people even more tax cuts.

“By voting for this cruel bill, you are betraying hardworking Americans by raising costs for all those already struggling to make ends meet,” former Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) told MAGA Republicans on the House floor. “Indeed, a vote for this budget is a vote against Medicaid, ripping away health care from children, people with disabilities, and seniors. And it is a vote against SNAP…taking food out of the mouths of babies. And you do that with glee.”

This GOP’s agenda is a moral abomination that no American, regardless of party, should support. If there is anything worth taking to the streets for peaceful protest, it is this sort of massive, regressive redistribution from the already-struggling to the no-amount-is-ever-enough billionaire class. 

Friday, February 28, 2025



Undaunted: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Courage is Contagious—and Not Optional

Each week, the Contrarian selects a remarkable figure who stands up in defense of democracy, American leadership in the world, the rule of law, and truth.


Some Americans deserve recognition every week for their articulate defense of the rule of law, democracy, and inclusivity. But simply because we are accustomed to seeing those faces or hearing their voices does not mean we should not take their endurance and consistency for granted.

When you think of the most effective communicators in defense of the democracy movement, and the most aggressive antagonists of the new era of oligarchy, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) should rank at the top.

She can inspire crowds as she did recently before a small gathering of protestors. “We have an obligation to resist kings. We outnumber them,” she declared. “And they can be overwhelmed.”

It is worth savoring in full:

Her insistence that “this moment is bigger than all of us” helps to dispel the sense of complacency and inevitability autocrats rely on to keep the people in check. She warns her fellow Americans against defeatism, and in the best tradition of American social justice movements, she calls on Americans to pay attention to the oligarchs’ grift, their glaring conflicts of interest, and their effort to undermine the very notion of government for the public good. She warns not to fall prey to nihilism and cynicism, stressing that every action we take, no matter how small, matters. The “constant, consistent pressure,” as she puts it, will eventually overwhelm the authoritarian threat.

Democrats, pundits and strategists have gotten tied up in knots deliberating on whether to focus on the economy or on democracy. Ocasio-Cortez understands that they are two sides of the same fight. She ably describes the central threat posed by the Musk-Trump oligarchy, dubbing it “the fusion and the capture of the billionaire class of our democracy.”

Take, for example, the Supreme Court, which strips away constitutional rights and shreds the Constitution to elevate Donald Trump to the status of a king with a sweeping grant of immunity. As Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) described in his insightful piece this week, “The Supreme Court has been captured by powerful, secretive special interests who spent hundreds of millions on the project.” He added, “A single Supreme Court decision can yield billions of dollars for an industry (throwing out the Clean Power Plan, for instance), so this scheme was an investment that paid off handsomely.” And that is the same court that undermines the collective bargaining rights of unions, turns campaigning spending into “speech” to give billionaires unprecedented power, and imposes its Christian nationalism on the rest of us. Put differently, oligarchs aim to deploy their billions for the purpose of increasing their wealth even further and undermining pro-democracy forces who stand in the way of their ambitions.

Ocasio-Cortez’s talent goes beyond impromptu street speeches. She can be dazzling in hearings, delivering stinging rebukes to her colleagues. In a recent hearing considering Draconian cuts to Medicaid, she debunked the GOP argument that their aim was to make Medicaid more efficient and eliminate waste. “We have not heard a single concrete number of the amount of waste and abuse that has been identified. There’s kind of this vague magic wand around waste,” she said. “What’s being suggested is that…people seeing the doctor is a waste.” She plunged ahead:

In deconstructing the lies about the budget and DOGE, Ocasio-Cortez refuses to play into the falsehood that Elon Musk is qualified to tear apart government at the seams, merely by virtue of his billions. Indeed, after calling him a “billionaire con man,” she declared, “If you all think he is an expert…I’ve got a bridge to nowhere to sell you. These are people’s lives on the line, and we cannot laugh them away.”

Democrats can learn several lessons from her. First and foremost, power does not come from a leadership title or a committee chairmanship. It comes from the strength of one’s message and the determination to rally Americans to the cause of democracy. (If you are disgusted with flabby rhetoric coming from House and Senate leaders, look to others without the titles.)

Second, she effectively humanizes the victims of Musk-Trump’s cruelty. Ocasio-Cortez does not buy into the lie that Americans do not care about government workers. “Federal workers do work that is part of the lifeblood of our society,” she says. She ticks off the vital jobs—in healthcare, national parks, and foreign service—who make the country function and preserve our standing in the world. She points to the ordinary Americans (e.g., visitors to national parks) who are presently suffering at the hands of the oligarchy. Trump may have contempt for government workers, but he falsely assumes Americans don’t care about people in their communities who do vital work.

Finally, Ocasio-Cortez manages to deliver some tough love to Americans who are depressed, resigned, or expecting an overnight solution to the MAGA threat. She tells them it is their obligation to stand up to authoritarianism. And she is right: it is not optional. Citizens of a democracy have a responsibility to defend it, to resist a threat more menacing than any external foe. However, tired or depressed you might be, Ocasio-Cortez is telling you to do something. She does not mince words: This is no easy fight; victory is not assured and will not come quickly.

In sum, among the reasons we honor Ocasio-Cortez today is because she treats Americans like responsible, decent adults—explaining the stakes, connecting the dots between oligarchs and authoritarianism, and setting the expectation that ordinary Americans will engage in the battle to protect their democracy.

AOC remains undaunted—and asks us to be so as well.

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Did I Say Thaw Yesterday?


Sounds coming from basement where Dan is trying out new exercise equipment.