Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Two Gifts


This is the second winter for our soapstone wood stove.  It has made a big difference for the primary living area in our house since this wing of the house is the farthest from the furnace.

Dan brings in the wood and I make the fires.  Sometimes more air is required so I'd crouch down and blow in the side door to get the coals to ignite the kindling or wood.  

For Christmas Emily and Matt gave me this bellow.

It works great.

They also gave Dan this oscillating fan.  It sits on the soapstone and the heat generates electricity to power the fan.

Here's a video.  The sounds you hear are the stove.  I had just closed it down which means it's burning more of the gasses through a catalytic converter of sorts.  Don't ask me how that works but it does.

[The video seems to slow down the blades.  When I look at the fan it's a blur.]

What surprises did you get for Christmas this year?


Tom said...

...stay warm and well.

doodles n daydreams said...

They're two unique gifts, some thought has gone into them :)

Granny Sue said...

Now those are pretty cool gifts! I had never heard of a soapstone stove, but it sure is pretty.
Surprise gifts? Well, I guess they were all surprises, since I never know what to expect. Granddaughter Haley gave us a smoke detector that alerts my cell phone if the alarm goes off. That is a good idea. Hope to put it up tomorrow.

Anvilcloud said...

We once had a gas fireplace stove and enjoyed it a lot.

acorn hollow said...

That fan will make a good difference. Sounds like good useful gifts.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Seems like you are well equipped to maximize the benefits of your wood stove. I had a wood stove in the house I lived in before I met Miriam, doubtless less efficient than yours and certainly more ancient, but there was a dark circle on the ceiling above it, and I used to wonder what I was breathing in. There was no obvious smoke but particulate dirt or soot was obviously accumulating.


It sounds like the new gifts are really enhancing your experience with the stove! The bellow and fan sound like practical and thoughtful additions. I hope they make keeping warm even easier this winter. I invite you to read my new blog post: