Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Fruit Flies

 Every year at some time I have to make a fruit fly trap.

A wide mouth jar, cider vinegar, and a cone of paper.

I made this one and within an hour I had fruit flies trapped.

A simple solution!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Jennifer Rubin Says it Well

from the Washington Post, September 13, 2024

by Jennifer Rubin

Two revealing surveys of religious groups in the United States 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Cherry Tomatoes

 The CSA that daughter Emily and I share has a plethora of cherry tomatoes.  I had a bowlful and decided to roast them with garlic, basil, salt and paper and olive oil.  400ยบ for 25 minutes.

It smelled delicious.

An easy supper then with cheese filled tortellini tossed with the tomatoes.  Sprinkle on parmesan cheese and serve.

Dan and I didn't finish all of it so another day I'll call it pasta salad!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Foliage Experts Predict a Colorful Fall"

 That was the title of an article in Wednesday's local paper.  The reasons given for the high expectations for color are several. 

A good growing season.

No fungal diseases like last year when the rains wouldn't stop.

A mild winter and long season has meant trees have stored up energy.

Ideal weather conditions for foliage include warm days and cool nights which are all in our weather forecasts.

But and there's always a hedge.  If we have storms and heavy winds into the peak the leaves can be stripped.

Photos from my walk on Wednesday morning.  The colors are starting.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

One Year Ago


We were in Spain, specifically Priego do Cordoba, in southern Spain.

Remembering those two weeks and sharing some random photos.

We had an apartment in the Barrio and lived like locals for our stay there courtesy of UnTours.  Everywhere you looked in the landscape were rows and rows of olive trees.  Did you notice them in some of the photos?


Today I'm a ballot clerk for our township.  It's primary day.  I'm on duty 8 am - 7 pm while the polls are open.  I don't know if I'll be doing this on November 5th too as I'm taking someone's place who normally does it.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Found on a Car in VA

 My brother in law in Charlottesville, Va captured this on the back of a car at the grocery store.

Saturday, September 7, 2024




The goldenrod is in full bloom along this fence line. 

Here’s my observation-apple trees along the road sides. Were they planted there or are they volunteers?

This one has been here for quite awhile. 

It’s loaded with apples. 

Do you see apple trees along the roads where you are?

Friday, September 6, 2024

Love thy neighbor. No exceptions. That is Faithful America’s motto, and that is the work that Faithful America members like me give ourselves to both online and in our communities. Our faith informs our politics – not the other way around.  We oppose Donald Trump, Christian nationalism, and the religious right because of the ways they attack love and social justice. To us, loving our neighbor means caring for the most vulnerable around us, looking out for those who have been marginalized by unjust leaders and systems. To learn more about Faithful America and how you can organize to love your neighbors with other social-justice Christians, visit Faithful America. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


This year’s False Prophets list is headlined by  none other than Donald “Dictator on Day One” Trump himself – also known as the Christofascist MAGA movement’s golden calf. It seems Trump really was right about one thing: He truly could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” and not lose any of his support from the religious right. This is what Scripture calls idolatry. To read more about Trump’s blasphemous record and his followers’ idolatrous devotion, visit Faithful America’s False Prophets Page here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Garden Art

If you've read my blog for awhile you know I like to place or make items to put in my gardens.  The shutter angel, an old iron wheel,

rock statues, or an old gate. I also have two old hand plows.

Last Saturday there was an estate sale around the corner. Sadly the owner of the house is no longer living.  Several years ago he was shot and killed doing a good deed for a friend in Woodstock, VT.  The house has been empty since then mostly because the heirs live in Toronto. For the estate sale the neighbors ran it.  One of those name your price sales.  I went looking for garden art.  Here's what I came home with;

and you can see they went right into the garden.

This next item was on an outside door.  I thought it looked like an owl.  It's really the foot from a cast iron stove.

Dan put it on my garden door on the barn.

Not pictured because they are still in my barn are a single andiron, a black coal or ash pail and two rectangular pieces of slate.  I also got a pair of brass candle sticks (not pictured either).

This is the last thing I got - a table for the porch.  I think it will be a good spot for a flower pot or a pumpkin.  I may spray paint the base to match our porch chairs.

I spent $30 for all of this.

There were lots of people there both days.  All the tools, lumber, and equipment were a big draw.  I wonder what will happen next for this house.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Project 2025 threatens us all if tRump is elected.

From Faithful America

Happy Labor Day! As Christians, we support living wages,

labor rights, and safe working environments for all God’s children --

yet these fundamental freedoms, along with our democracy itself,

are at stake in this upcoming election. Project 2025, the MAGA movement’s

Christian-nationalist agenda for another Trump term,  is not only a major

threat to justice for all but also to our basic freedoms.

Trump can try to distance himself from the plan after public backlash, but we know

his plans for a second term are nothing short of an authoritarian power grab.

Learn more about what Project 2025 would do here. 

More about Faithful America here.