The second week of August Dan and I went south to Lumberton, NC with our church to help Brethren Disaster Ministries work to repair homes damaged from two hurricanes in the last 3-4 years.
We were divided into 4 teams. Dan's team worked on a home in Lumberton and my team drove 45 minutes south to South Carolina to work on a home.
Never having done anything like this it was an education for me. Dan had spent two weeks in Puerto Rico in April with BDM so knew what to expect.
The First Presbyterian Church in Lumberton provided the housing.
We had the third floor of their education wing. There was a men's bunk room and a women's. Of the 13 of us there were 5 women.
The drive to and from SC was beautiful. After admiring this lake with cypress trees we finally stopped to take photos one afternoon.
We were divided into 4 teams. Dan's team worked on a home in Lumberton and my team drove 45 minutes south to South Carolina to work on a home.
Never having done anything like this it was an education for me. Dan had spent two weeks in Puerto Rico in April with BDM so knew what to expect.
The First Presbyterian Church in Lumberton provided the housing.
We had the third floor of their education wing. There was a men's bunk room and a women's. Of the 13 of us there were 5 women.
Here's Pastor Phil unloading.
The gymnasium was where we gathered to eat. We rose at 6 o'clock headed down to fix our lunches at 6:30. There were an assortment of sandwich fixings, snacks, chips, fruit, nuts, etc.
Besides us there was a site coordinator, two construction managers and a manager trainee plus a volunteer making our breakfasts and dinners.
Each team had a cooler for lunches and a water cooler for drinking. We had to stay hydrated as the heat index was frequently over 100º. We filled those water coolers first with ice then water every morning. we were frequently on our way by 7:30 and left the site to come back at 4.
Here's the kitchen where we signed up to take turns helping with dishes for the week. We also signed up to lead devotions in morning or evening.
We had a place near the bunk rooms to chill out each evening.
Here's the house I worked on - flooded twice!
Inside you see the wallboard has to be replaced. Many of the joists and studs had to be reinforced with new wood. Previous teams worked on that.
Lisa took on the task of insulating the outside walls.
Her son Drew was with our team for two days then switched to Dan's team.
Paul and I worked on insulating the floor then putting down the under flooring.
Vanessa in pink and Steve on floor were the ones with the skills. She was in training to be a construction manager like Steve.
There was another team across the street but since that house couldn't be locked up materials were stored in ours. Here's Jeff and
Jack taking a piece of subflooring across the street.
The drive to and from SC was beautiful. After admiring this lake with cypress trees we finally stopped to take photos one afternoon.
We passed fields of tobacco and cotton (learned that was what it was later).
The road was mostly straight and flat.
The town where we were had a boarded up downtown. It's in a flood plain and won't be rebuilt.
I joined Lisa and learned how to do the wall insulation too. We completed the house in the week.
When Hurricane Dorian was headed to NC I worried that this area would be flooded again. I think they were in the clear. Work goes on to finish these homes. One of the houses one of our team worked on was in the final stages. Dan's house was almost there too. Ours and the one across the street had much more to be done. I imagine there's a team of volunteers working there this week.
3 comments: this is what Christianity is all about.
Thank you for serving and giving of your time and talents. Especially in the August heat of the Carolinas! I hope the home owners got to meet and thank you. I can imagine how grateful they will be to get their homes back!
What a wonderful thing for you to do.
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