Too much rain! That's the complaint this fall. We heard it from the farmers where we had a hay ride last night for the community picnic. They lost almost all of their pumpkin harvest due to rain. Other fall crops have suffered. I see it around my yard in the spinach which is slow to grow because its too wet for the new seedlings to the moss and weird mushrooms. Someone else on the hayride said they need to change the state flower to mold.
Where are the bright yellows and golds, the russets and reds?
This is the time of year to enjoy the colors of the trees but this year the leaves have come down fast. Many leaves went right to brown after the heavy rains of September and with the heavy rains last week they have come down. The woods are opening up fast with the loss of leaves. It's a muted coloring to the fall. So strange.

And not enough rain here in NW GA.:(
Mother Nature is out of whack...or is she?
I had heard the fall color was not as pretty, due to all the rain. How sad! It really is funny to see. Our trees are just now starting to turn colors. But they're never as vibrant as up north. The farmers have had a bad time everywhere this year!
Rain is a gift in our neck of the woods...or our side of the Rockies! I grew up in Ohio and have wonderful memories of fall leaves crunching underfoot and the canopies of color overhead and I miss it. Your post is a reminder that we truly cannot control the weather, nor count on it to repeat. So, I guess we just enjoy the moment and continue to wait for next year...
Marcia in answer to your question about overwintering geraniums: I just bring them in, in the pots and put them in my cold cellar, which is vented to the outside, so it is a few degrees cooler than the rest of the house. In the spring I take them out, soak them well and put them in the greenhouse to grow out. Last year I did that with 20 of them and all survived quite well.
We have some color around here...but, not much. It's been so warm and so wet that the plants are confused. I have daffodils coming up out front!
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