Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

NH Primary

 We did our part but ...

Dan is registered as undeclared/independent.  He got to select the ballot he wanted.  He couldn't comfortably say Republican so he said "Red."  Dan voted for Haley as an anti-tRump vote. He felt like he was holding is nose to do even that.  We know others including our daughter and son in law who did the same thing.  It helped Haley some but not enough.

I'm registered Democrat.  I wrote in Joe Biden.  

How to stop tRump?

I fear for our country and feel so very sorry for those fellow Americans who have been taken in by his lies and the lies of Fox news.

Addendum for Suz-ee's benefit and others unfamiliar.

For primaries when candidates for elected office are selected by party you have to be registered as Democrat or Republican to vote in the respective party primaries.  My husband registered as an independent could not vote in primaries when we lived in Maryland.  In NH independents are allowed to select a party primary to vote in on primary election day which is what he did.  Afterward he changed his affiliation back to Independent.

Who you vote for is still by secret ballot.


Vicki Lane said...

It's terrifying how many of his followers seem to revel in his crassness and lawlessness. Not a good thing for our country.

Tom said... to stop Trumps, perhaps the way John Hinckley Jr. tried to stop Ronald Reagan?

su-zee said...

Can you explain to a Brit-do you have to declare as Democrat or Republican or is it optional? This seems strange to us in the UK as we don't usually tell anyone who we intend to vote for.

Marcia said...

Su-zee hope I answered your question in my addendum.

su-zee said...

Thank you!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Even though I have become numb it still is incomprehensible to me that people will support a rapist/liar/misogynist misfit, who has declared openly that he wishes to subvert democracy and shift the country to autocracy, who openly admires dictators and will appoint a cadre of sycophants willing to do his bidding. In the process he will curb the freedom of the press. Your country is quite possibly heading over the edge.

Barbara Rogers said...

I just learned that half of all registered voters are Independents, with 25% Republican and the other 25% Democrat. So there's lots of wiggle room, where we hope many of those Independents aren't really Red, but are Blue at heart!

Anvilcloud said...

It is a strange system to those who live in parliamentary democracies.

Fun60 said...

It is inconceivable to me that in a country the size of the US you have no real challenge to that man.

Kay said...

I actually have one cousin who likes Trump. For the life of me... sigh... what can I say?

I truly don't understand the Trump cult. I don't understand how half our country likes such a depraved, egotistical, nasty creature who openly degrades anyone who opposes him and esteems Kim Jong Un and Putin.