This puzzle requires a new starting strategy because the edge pieces are not typical.
I've started sorting the pieces by colors and I'll end up working from the inside out.
It probably was an expensive puzzle but I got it for free at the puzzle swap table next door at the store. The pieces are backed with cork.
It has pieces with shapes too.

It will be a fun one to do.
...the border look hard, that where I normally start.
Jane Wooster Scott puzzles do have many shaped pieces! Often it's very hard to know what shape to look for, but it does add to the fun of doing puzzles.
Jig Saws must be good time-passers in winter.
Oh many hours of fun ahead for you!
No straight edges is certainly unusual.
Good luck!
My husband is the puzzle guy. I look at that my eyes cross and I walk away
I love the special shapes!
Good luck to you, Marcia, on getting that puzzle done and hopefully all the pieces will be there. I have oly done jigsaw puzzles a handful of times and the puzzles have been much easier then!
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