Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Cherry Tomatoes

 The CSA that daughter Emily and I share has a plethora of cherry tomatoes.  I had a bowlful and decided to roast them with garlic, basil, salt and paper and olive oil.  400º for 25 minutes.

It smelled delicious.

An easy supper then with cheese filled tortellini tossed with the tomatoes.  Sprinkle on parmesan cheese and serve.

Dan and I didn't finish all of it so another day I'll call it pasta salad!


Tom said...

...we are trying our best to eat our bumper crop of tomatoes!

acorn hollow said...

yummm a great way to use them up.

Barbara Rogers said...

My mouth is watering just reading about your delicious dish!

Granny Sue said...

That looks absolutely delicious. It is so cool that people are finding ways to use cherry tomatoes. Used to be they were just for snacks or salads, but no more!

Anvilcloud said...

They look good. I don't think I've ever had the little ones prepared like that.

Fun60 said...

I just love roasted tomatoes. That pasta dish looks really yummy.