Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Garden Art

If you've read my blog for awhile you know I like to place or make items to put in my gardens.  The shutter angel, an old iron wheel,

rock statues, or an old gate. I also have two old hand plows.

Last Saturday there was an estate sale around the corner. Sadly the owner of the house is no longer living.  Several years ago he was shot and killed doing a good deed for a friend in Woodstock, VT.  The house has been empty since then mostly because the heirs live in Toronto. For the estate sale the neighbors ran it.  One of those name your price sales.  I went looking for garden art.  Here's what I came home with;

and you can see they went right into the garden.

This next item was on an outside door.  I thought it looked like an owl.  It's really the foot from a cast iron stove.

Dan put it on my garden door on the barn.

Not pictured because they are still in my barn are a single andiron, a black coal or ash pail and two rectangular pieces of slate.  I also got a pair of brass candle sticks (not pictured either).

This is the last thing I got - a table for the porch.  I think it will be a good spot for a flower pot or a pumpkin.  I may spray paint the base to match our porch chairs.

I spent $30 for all of this.

There were lots of people there both days.  All the tools, lumber, and equipment were a big draw.  I wonder what will happen next for this house.


Tom said... are a frugal shopper!

Anvilcloud said...

A well-placed addition is a good addition, but up our street, one house went a little beyond when they placed an old toilet in the front garden. It was a crappy idea.

Barbara Rogers said...

Excellent shopping there! I like wrought iron finish that isn't painted...but then again, it mustn't be allowed to rust. On the little table I mean.

acorn hollow said...

How sad to be shot for doing a good deed!
You got some good bargains.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Glad that you got some appealing pieces.

Granny Sue said...

Well done! I like garden art too, especially old farm tools.
That is sad about your neighbor though. Poor guy.