Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring

This morning in honor of the first day of Spring there was a coating of ice on the pond.

The sun was bright enough to coax the first daffodils to open.  These are miniatures that I purchased last year in the supermarket to have a touch of Spring inside.  I'm glad I transplanted them outside because they are a delight to see. 

These daffodils won't be long in opening.

Birds are busy.  This woodpecker has decided to use the fence corner to hold the sunflower seed while he pecks it open.

Crocuses are still in bloom but some are fading fast. 

Frogs have laid eggs.

Bluebirds are laying claim to the birdhouse.

A few other critters allowed themselves to be photographed.