Readers, Welcome to my blog (formerly Birds, Blooms, Books, etc). I'm entering a new decade taking on the challenge of moving from Maryland after living there 46 years and learning about my new home here in New England in the Live Free or Die state - New Hampshire. Join me as a write this new chapter of my life.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday Kitchen Cupboard - Sauce

Tomatoes and more tomatoes means lots of sauce for the freezer and winter pasta meals.  I make a very simple sauce usually: tomatoes, onions and basil and a touch of sugar.  Wednesday I varied it adding garlic, fresh oregano, molasses instead of sugar and a splash of Worchestershire sauce. (Of course salt and pepper it to taste.) Once everything cooks down I use my favorite kitchen gadget, the immersion blender, to puree it all.

Onions and garlic
The variety of tomatoes I used: Amish paste, Miracle Market, and Cherokee purple and not pictured Goldie.

Cut up tomatoes - Goldie visible on top.

Cooking down with basil and oregano added.

Blended with the immersion blender.

Joining Robin for Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard.