If you've been reading my blog for some time you know of my battles with deer. This year I implemented my Deer Protection Plan (D.P.P. described here) and have had remarkable success. Read that as still having leaves on my hosta at this date.
Today I noticed one hosta had been munched.
So I looked closely and could see that the fishing line was dangling between two trees.
No other hosta had damage.
I thought maybe the deer reached its neck over the brush fence to chomp this one hosta.
The rest of the fishing line seems to be in place.
But there's a mystery. At the other end of the yard in the perennial garden
the clematis which has been blooming so lovely shows chomping.
There's even a petal on the ground.
Hmm. Deer? Ground hog? If it was the latter it wouldn't have stopped with so little eaten. But if it was a deer why didn't it eat the Autumn Joy
or any of the hosta on the way over to the clematis?
And how did it remove itself from the backyard with all my fencing and fishing line?
It's a mystery that will unlikely be solved.
UPDATE: Friday morning
Well, it's definitely the deer because hosta that were fine yesterday are leafless with only stalks showing. The deer have made it through my defenses BUT it took them this long to do so. In all that time I had the enjoyment of my plantings. These hosta would be disappearing shortly any way.
This is the hosta to the left of the swing in the photo above.