Sunday, December 31, 2017

Reflecting Back on 2017

Incredibly another year has passed us by, 2018 awaits!

Here's a look back.

We took two extended vacations: 
January we went west to Memphis and then drove south along the Mississippi to New Orleans then east to Florida.  Here's an overview of that trip
with posts following about our stops along the way.

In September we went east across the Atlantic to Scotland for two weeks. Here's the start of posts on that trip.  I still have much more to share on that.

We also took some day and overnight excursions:
New Hampshire here and here
Three Otters Eco Retreat, WV for a family reunion

Living at Vantage House has meant quite a few excursions to museums including:
Baltimore Museum of Art twice

Living close to two metropolitan areas: Baltimore and Washington, DC has its advantages.

There's more I could share from the year, but the list is longer than what I expected when I started this post.  Needless to say I will continue to have photos to share in 2018 so I hope you'll stop by and say hi once in awhile.

Happy New Year to you!