Monday, January 24, 2022

The Game of Wordle

 By now you must have heard of this word game: Wordle.

My oldest brother introduced it to us, his siblings and now 5 of the 6 of us play every morning and share our scores.

If you're not familiar with it, here is the set up. You're trying to guess a five letter word.  You type your first guess in the first line. Green letters are correct and in the right spot.  Yellow letters are correct but not in the correct spot.  As you can see above the R & T were correct but only the T was correctly placed in my first guess of HEART. My second guess established there was an O but I still didn't have the R correctly placed.  By the 3rd guess I placed the O but forgot about the R. My 4th guess identified a B in the word but not as the beginning letter again forgetting about the R.  I got the word on my 5th guess.

Here are my statistics as of Friday. The very first time I played I didn't understand the color coding and didn't guess the word at all. Since then I have gotten the word  every time.  As it shows above I have gotten it 3 times each on 3rd and 4th try and 5 times on the 5th try. Friday I got it on the 3rd try.

Above was Friday's guess.  I did better than the day before but it was a lucky guess!


  1. I love this game. There is a TV programme called Lingo, based on the game, which I enjoy watching.

  2. I gave Wordle a try last night and it is pretty fun. Thanks for the tip!

  3. son, an English teacher and word puzzle wizard, has added it to his day!

  4. I spend far too much time on games and puzzles, so I'll try to avoid this one for as long as I can!

  5. no never heard of it but then I do not play games on the computer. Husband does I will have to have him take a look at this one

  6. Glad to see what everyone (well two bloggers I know) are talking about! Nope, I don't think I'll play this one! So many five letter words in our language! Enjoy it for me.

  7. I am also playing although it drives me batty sometimes. I also got prick in three but I’m not sure how you guessed it from where you were in the word before. Well done.

  8. I've started playing it too-a deceptively easy game that does require some problem solving. I think it's interesting what first word we start out with. Mine is adieu. I think any word that establishes which vowels are/aren't in it is helpful.

  9. I was unfamiliar with this game until hearing about it on a podcast I listened to last week and now here. I haven't yet decided whether or not to give it a try as game apps do not hold my interest. But word games can be at least good for the mind.

  10. We love Wordless. We have a race every day to see who can finish first. So far I’m ahead!


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