Tuesday, March 17, 2020

New restrictions here:
Dining rooms are closing tomorrow.  We will order meals and they will be delivered to our apartments.
All group activities are canceled.
No guests allowed.
If we go out we must have a wellness check up on our return. No exceptions.


  1. It seems about as much as one can do although I am not sure what a wellness check after a brief outing will accomplish given incubation times etc.

  2. Good Morning, Yes---the 'virus' is affecting so many of us all over the world... We still have no cases in our county and only a couple near our area in East TN.... BUT--people are being cautious... Schools and events/concerts, etc. are closed/not happening... So far, we are not restricted in our homes. I think when we go shopping on Friday, we'll go REALLY early to beat the crowds... Hopefully, they can re-stock the shelves. People are being so crazy with their hoarding... SAD to me --since some people who need certain items now cannot get them... One of my son's job may be in jeopardy soon since he is a Bar Manager and the bar is in a big mall. As of now, the mall has cut back hours ---but they are still open (even though Mark says there aren't many people at the mall)....

    We are all dealing with the 'unknown' here. I feel sorry for those people who work paycheck to paycheck and may not have enough money to pay bills soon... AND --what happens to those adults who still can work, but don't have anyone to watch the children (who are now out of school)?????? I worry that the grandparents (who are the most vulnerable) will now have to watch the grandchildren while the parents still work... CRAZY!

    God is in control... I'm trying to stay positive and just continue to help those in need and stay as safe as possible. But ---I am NOT in panic -mode ---and will not be anxious...


  3. a lot of restrictions in Poland too. Take care.

  4. Yes restrictions here in the UK however at present we are allowed to still go walking in the fresh air with social distancing so my Morning Movers walking group is continuing and we are an encouragement to one another another good think at this crisis time

  5. Yup. We’re getting restrictions here in Hawaii too. The governor has even asked tourists to postpone trips to Hawaii for 30 days. He can’t enforce it, but he’s asking.


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