Friday, September 11, 2015

What's This? (6)

What was that red thing I saw?

Ah, it's a shoe.

The old shoe factories in Lynchburg, VA are being repurposed.  In this case a hotel and a restaurant.

Other old warehouses are becoming apartment complexes.

Even an old statue has been redone.  
The water bearer.

It's an inviting spot that should catch on soon.


  1. How cool is that shoe and in my color!

  2. Hello Marcia! Thank you so much for your visit and kind comment. It's always fun to meet another retired teacher. In fact, a lot of my regular readers are retired teachers. They are also on my sidebar and have become cyber friends. Thank you very much for adding me to yours. I'll add you to mine as well


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.