Thursday, September 10, 2015

Flycatcher and Other Wild Things

My camera has great zoom.  I was sitting at the dining room table having lunch yesterday when I noticed this flycatcher on top of the tuteur in the Perennial Garden.  I haven't seen this bird all summer.  He or she was busy looking all around for bugs.  It left once briefly and captured one.


And then as I was typing this, who should appear but the resident ground hog.  Isn't it huge?

I don't mind it keeping the grass clipped, but when it ventures into eating other plants I do mind.  I'm stuck with it for now and probably for all winter under my deck.

Finally, the hummingbirds are draining the feeder more quickly at this time of year as they stock up for their trip south.  Won't be long before they disappear.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! I've never seen a groundhog in the wild. And that one is huge.


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