Friday, June 15, 2012

Road Trip!

The Second Annual Road Trip happened this week.  Destination: Charlottesville, Virginia.  Four of us who have been teachers together at Fulton Elementary School instituted this tradition with a trip to Winterthur and Longwood Gardens last year.  This year we headed south and it was a celebration of sorts since two of the group are new retirees as of the end of the school year on June 8th.  That leaves one still teaching.

Our first stop in town was the Downtown Mall and lunch al fresco.  We then wandered the shops and made a few purchases before heading to the hotel and a relaxing time at the pool.

Dinner was in Crozet, Va, a small town west of Charlottesville and home to my sister, Suzie and her husband, Jerry and also their bead shop, Blue Ridge Beads & GlassWe had booked a bead class there for 7 pm and with Suzie's patient instructions we all were rewarded with necklaces that we had made ourselves.

Janice, Fran, Marcy and me.

Thursday morning found us at Monticello in plenty of time for our 10:30 tour of the house so we wandered the vegetable gardens
and walked to the grave site before lining up for our tour inside.

It was a gorgeous day.  We learned so much about Jefferson.  But 2 o'clock came too soon so we retraced our route north hoping to miss rush hour around Northern Virginia (we didn't).  We've made plans for next year's road trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown and vowed we would have to extend the length to fit more in.

A fun time was had by all.


  1. Oh how neat, Marcia... Your group reminded me of my trips with my 3 childhood friends. The 4 of us started meeting in 1992 --the year we all turned 50, and met almost every year after that until a couple of years ago. One of the 4 of us got cancer and died last summer. That was hard on all of us---and the 3 of us left haven't met since. We know that we should --but so far, nothing has been done.

    Glad you had a wonderful time --and glad you got to see your creative sister...


  2. Very nice post, Marcia. Girlfriend vacations are very special. I have memories of one to Yellowstone with three of my friends that I treasure. I enjoyed seeing the Monticello pictures. I enjoyed walking through those gardens a few years ago. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.


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