Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Update on My Reading

I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to read my way through Agatha Christie's wealth of novels.  I decided to tackle the Miss Marple series first. 

Yesterday evening I started The Murder at the Vicarage which will make the ninth book.  I was at the library yesterday and checked out two others featuring the talents of Miss Marple.  They are quick reads for me so I get two or three when I go to the library.

I wanted to tell you, too about an author whose books I've enjoyed.  I know I've mentioned her before: Kate Morton.  What brings her to mind again is that I finished her very first book The House at Riverton which I'm glad to say I read last.  If I'd read this one first I don't think I would have bothered to find her other books.  Of the three The Forgotten Garden remains one of my all time favorites and I've read it twice!  Her last book The Distant Hours was again quite a feat of story telling with unexpected twists and turns.  Thinking back on it now I recall the unsettling feelings that it left me as I read it.  I'm not saying don't read it.  Just be prepared.  Almost a horror story but nothing supernatural just real life.

That's my update.  What have you been reading that you want to recommend to me?

1 comment:

  1. I love reading pretty much any types of books, but really love european classicals and novels based on historical figures - even if i know most of them are really fictional novels. I really enjoyed Maurice Druon series:
    Le Roi de fer (The Iron King)
    La Reine étranglée (The Strangled Queen)
    Les Poisons de la couronne (The Poisoned Crown)
    La Loi des mâles (The Royal Succession)
    La Louve de France (The She-Wolf of France)
    Le Lis et le Lion (The Lily and the Lion)
    Quand un Roi perd la France (When a King Loses France)
    And of course I'd recommend some of the classic russian novels but not sure if you're into that heavy reading. If you enjoyed A. Christie's Ms. Mapple you'd probably enjoy her The Big 4 :)


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