Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Tour of the Pond Garden

The Pond Garden is looking beautiful with the blue Siberian irises and yellow water irises blooming. Take a tour with me.

The pond is on the east side of the house (photo below). The window on the right is my study so I have a wonderful view of what goes on there except I seem to miss the heron's visit. Actually today I did see the heron fly in and land on the roof above my window. I thought I'd see it fly down into the pond but the next time I checked it was walking out of the pond and I missed it's fishing expedition. I think its going after the frogs now because when I walked around the pond to take these photos the frogs did not jump into the water like they've done on other days.

Here are some of the plants around the pond: wiegela, lilac,

butterfly bush, hawthorn tree, Siberian irises,

yellow irises which are notorious at spreading, ajuga for the slopes,

a wort with its contrasting yellow leaves and blue flowers.

Water from the scupper on our roof flows into the pond down this rock swale. The grasses here are doing very well.

A phlox below.

Liriope and stella d'oro day lilies define a walkway from the driveway to the backyard.

Joe Pye weed on the right side. It gets bigger ever year.

And here's my study view of it all.


  1. Very pretty. LOVE the view from your window! I'm surprised you haven't put some goldfish in it, but with the heron coming, I suppose that's for the best anyway!

  2. What a wonderful layout! I've always wanted a pond but my wife is against the idea because of my health issues and keeping up with the two acres of ornamental gardens we have. I think she has heard way too many stories of problems with ponds... I do enjoy seeing them and dreaming of one, just the same... yours is very inyeresting and beautiful as well! Larry

  3. Love the tour Marcia. Things are sure blooming out fast now for you.

  4. I just found your blog, and your photos are absolutely gorgeous!

  5. I'm so jealous of your pond...such a great feature...and so perfect with the Iris! Don't you love Joe Pye...such a great plant...I keep wondering just HOW big it will get!


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