Saturday, March 2, 2024

Jennifer Rubin Says it Clearly

 This Friday, March 1st, Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post made it clear that tRump is a racist and often the media fails to call him on it.

Here is her editorial.


  1. Jennifer Rubin has a place at my table any time she wants.

  2. I am really worried about the coming election. I have no idea why ANYONE in their right mind would vote for the "orange man" but so many seem to think that he is the answer to every problem. It is all very troubling.

  3. ...the press hasn't been able to figure out how to cover Trump and they perhaps never will.

  4. We are in perilous times, surrounded by people who are easily duped and unwilling to hear hard truths.

  5. So many so called "Christians" dont even know the meaning of that word. They're only about Nationalism. Christian simply defined means literally "little Christ". NONE of them are like my JEsus.

    I honestly can't understand, as a Believer of Jesus, how ANY ONE in this nation can support a man like the orange guy. UGH. What is wrong with our nation????


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.