Sunday, February 18, 2024

From the Americans of Conscience Checklist

 Three elementary school teachers in Washington started a “Hearts Across the World” postcard program to teach young students about geography. If you’d like to participate, send a cute postcard from your state (or country) then share this action with friends. This action is included in our Checklist with permission from Mrs. Schaler and her request is to “please overwhelm us with postcards.” 🙂 

Contact: Mrs. Merriel’s TK, P.O. Box 1389, Soap Lake, WA 98851

Now I need to purchase a postcard to send from NH.

Can you send one too?


  1. ...our daughter has done this with her students.

  2. So glad you posted this. I love the site ACC! This is a great idea for kids to enjoy the connection between us all!

  3. I've already have a post card addressed and ready to send after President's day. It's not a cute post card, but a picture on the State Capitol Building in Richmond, VA because we live near there.

    What a great idea!

  4. I'll send one from Kansas! What a cute idea, even if Kansas is very flat in most places. Linda in Kansas

  5. Hallo aus Deutschland. Lese schon länger mit.
    Habe gerade eine Postkarte verschickt. Liebe Grüße Katja

  6. Our children's school did a balloon launch decades ago with postcards attached to it.

    But yes, yes, of course I'll send a card.

  7. This is a great project, Marcia, and I will participate as well. I am already writing and sending cards and notes for Letters Against Isolation. If you are interested in learning more, the website has a lot of information.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.