Monday, December 18, 2023

No Pictures Post

 Monday morning and we are in the midst of a powerful rain storm here in NH.  It's part of a larger storm hitting the Northeast. As I write Dan is out on a fire call - downed tree on wires with a chance of a fire. The call came in early and woke us up.  Not sure what time he'll be home.

My lights just flashed so now I wonder if power outage will hit us.

Yesterday was my 73rd birthday. No big celebration. Emily and family had me over for tea and cake. I had elected not to accompany Dan to a singing of the Messiah.  It was one where everyone got to sing! I don't sing like that.

Cookies were made this passed week and plates of them delivered to the neighbors with help from granddaughters. All but one of the neighbors were home to thank me.  I have to revise that. The neighbor across the street is not friendly at all but I did deliver her cookies.  She chose not to answer the door.  Now I have to admit she does work from home so maybe was on a call and couldn't come.  But even later there was no acknowledgement of cookies received.  The one who wasn't home called me the next day to thank me.

Saturday Dan and I went to a performance in Grafton,VT of a choral group and brass quintet.  It was lovely. Afterward we had dinner with the friends we went with at the Fullerton Inn in Chester, VT. We rarely eat that late but it was a delicious meal and conversation. We arrived home at 11 pm.

At the end of this week daughter Sarah and family will arrive to celebrate the holiday with us.  We are looking forward to that.

Let me sign off for the rest of the year but leave you with Christmas Wishes and New Year Joys.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Fun Mess


Just spent the last hour making this mess.  But I had lots of fun

decorating all the cutout cookies I baked yesterday.  Above melted chocolate chips with some dipped in coconut.

The rest decorated with icing made of confectionary sugar and milk.  It was still a bit runny so I went for the stained glass look.

I've also made peanut butter cookies, molasses cookies, chocolate chews with pecans, and oatmeal almond chocolate cookies.  I have 6 cookies plates to make up for neighbors and the rest of these will be when family visits.

What cookies are you making this year?

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Last Week


Last week started out with the kitchen totally emptied in preparation for the renovators who came on Tuesday. David and Johan were excellent.  It's amazing to have a contractor with great communication skills and David did!  We gave him a great review at the end of the project and even talked with him about how refreshing it was to have a contractor with the communication skills he had.  I think we embarrassed him some.

Here's the before photo.  Maple cabinets 30+ years old.  What you can't see is the water stains and the cupboard doors that have fallen apart. The bones were still good but needed refreshing.

Off came all the doors and drawer fronts removed from drawers.  They had to pull out the refrigerator (not shown), the stove and take down the microwave. They brought in two long tables to work from.  The space was quite crammed but they were glad for the space we had for them as sometimes they have to set up in garages or outside.

I had planned to be able to at least microwave while they were here but not an option.  We went to a local restaurant for the two nights for supper.

They were finished Thursday evening with the exception of two folding doors which were missing needed hardware to install.

That hardware arrived Monday the 11th and Johan came within two hours to complete those cabinets.

The finish is oak.

I put everything back Thursday night and Friday morning. I now have glass doors on the dishware cabinets.

Other cabinets are beaded board.

Here is one folding door for my pantry with new rotating shelves.

Here's the other folding door into this corner cabinet.  There were two doors before.

My mother and grandmother have been hung back up as have all my blue plate accents.  It feels like my kitchen now as we celebrate three years of owning this house this week.

Nice to have this project done.  Another one looms on the horizon in '24!

Another highlight of last week was the first concert at the local school where granddaughters #1 & #2 attend.  The school hasn't had a full time music (choral and instrumental) instructor for years. The "band" made up of winds, brass, guitars, strings and who knows what else played Hot Cross Buns and Merrily We Roll Along.  It was like the scene from the end of The Music Man with lots of proud parents, grandparents and friends and lots of squeaks and missed beats from the "band".  Afterward all the grades got to participate in singing.

Sunday Dan and I attended a production of "It's a Wonderful Life Radio Play". Four actors played all the parts and did sound effects.  We, the audience, were the there as an audience would be present for a radio program in the 40s.  There was even an applause sign that lit to tell us to applaud.  It was great!

Above is the stage before the play went live.


What else?  Planning for family coming from Buffalo.

A gate for the littlest one

It will go here between the kitchen and the front room.

Decorations were completed though stockings need to be hung on the stairs.


This new week I need to start baking cookies.

What's on your agenda?

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Gift Boxes from Cards

 So many folks commented on the boxes I pictures on my Monday post that I thought I do a quick share on how to make them.

All you need is a card (I used Christmas cards), tape, scissors, ruler and a scoring tool.  If you're a quilter you can use your cutting tool on a mat.

I have a paper cutter which has a scorer built into it.

Step one: cut the back and front of card apart at fold.  

Step two: trim one long and one short side of the back piece by 1/8 or less.  This will mean that the bottom of box will fit into the top.  If you take off too much as I did on my first try the bottom will be really loose.

Step three: score the front and back of the card at the depth you want the box to be.  Below you see score lines at 1 inch.

Step four: cut along the score lines at each corner to the depth of the perpendicular score line.

Step five: bring those cut sections in and tape to make the corners.

Here is the completed box front and

from back and side.

If you want a smaller box you will need to start with a smaller piece of the card.  Here are two boxes made from one card.

If you have batting you can cut some to fit into the box.

Let me know if you make some boxes or ask me any questions.

Have fun!

Monday, December 4, 2023

Another Week Gone By


Can you believe it's December already?  I can't but that doesn't slow down time unfortunately.

I've been busy.

Garden Club had a tea where we each had to bring our own cup, a sweet to share, canned goods for the Food Pantry and a wrapped Yankee Gift Swap contribution.  We played it differently then I've played before.  The second person after seeing what the first person got, chose a gift, unwrapped it then decided whether to keep or take the gift opened by the first person.  I was #2 and here are my gifts:

a pin

and a lovely shallow painted bowl.

Fortunately no one who followed me decided they wanted what I had.  There were some exchanges but mostly people kept what they selected.  The gift I contributed was a snowman sculpture feeding the birds. It got swapped in the end because the first person got to swap after everyone else had finished. What they were swapping wasn't wanted by that person and someone else offered her the snowman in exchange.  It all worked out.

I wrapped just about all the gifts I have purchased.  I'm in good shape for Christmas.

Kitchen Redo
The installer is due here on Tuesday and knowing that Sunday was a busy day, I spent Saturday clearing out cabinets, trying to be fairly organized where I stacked stuff.  Monday I will finish by moving out the contents of the last three drawers.

I printed the address labels for the Christmas cards and discovered that I hadn't made enough cards.  I needed 15 more so I got out the papers and made them.  I mailed all but 7 on Friday. These last ones require me to write a note inside.  I'll get to it this week. My desk is a mess again.

New Skill Learned

I attended a craft class on Tuesday night and learned how to turn cards into little boxes.  I will use these for some small jewelry items I have for stockings that didn't come with boxes.

It was a good productive week even if December started already!

Friday, December 1, 2023