Tuesday, April 4, 2023

keyboarding is

 ... difficult with one hand.

just letting you know that i'm reading your blogs but forgoing the frustrations of keyboarding comments.


  1. I guess you won't be playing any keyboard sonatas any time soon.

  2. I often skip commenting too, and I don’t have a disability — except for my brain, that is.

  3. Take care of yourself and let yourself heal! Praying for you my friend!

  4. Certainly understandable, Marcia, and even with two hands commenting on everyone's blog posts can be quite the task. Hope the healing goes well and that you and Dan and family celebrate a Happy Easter🐇.

  5. Time for healing...not writing! I hope the pain is manageable...just thinking about it gives me a shiver! Rest and recuperate! Sending virtual healing vibrations...buzzz, there they are!

  6. Wishing you a speedy recovery. It must be such a nuisance to have to do everything one-handed.

  7. I hope you heal up quickly. It is so frustrating no to be able to do the things we are used to doing. I hope you have a good Easter.

  8. Marcia. I did get Wordle, but it took me all 6. I got to the point where I pretty well only had 1 word left that I could try. Shauna got it in 4.

  9. I am sorry you are struggling but it will be so much better when you are all healed.

  10. Just rest. That's the best thing for your recovery. Linda in Kansas

  11. All good wishes for rapid healing. I know how frustrating it is, having the use of only one hand.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.