Tuesday, April 25, 2023

First Mowing

 Tim, my mower guy, came to clean up the mess from the plowing - gravel from the driveway in the lawn and all the leaves.  He gave the lawn the first mow too.

Nice to see such green grass.


  1. ...I have mowed too. Things are green and lovely.

  2. Coincidentally, I just looked at our little lawn today. I will hold out.

  3. I love the yellow house against the fresh green!

  4. Ah, the spring greens just are popping out. Or is it that my cataracts are being removed (one down, one to go). So next week all will be brighter!!

  5. I asked my lawn guy to make me last on the list - aiming for no-mow May but not sure how long it will be. Today in SE Michigan we have seen snow, sleet, rain and ugly. I just realized I have not hung the cleaned-out bird houses and found a broken chickadee egg in my carport this week. Spring is s-l-o-w- coming to Michigan.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.