Monday, January 23, 2023

Sunday Drive Home

 We had snow on Friday and usually the wind or rising temperatures makes the snow disappear from the trees.  This time this has not been the case.  All the snow we have is like frosting on the trees and bushes.

I took this set of photos on our ride back from church on Sunday after lunching at Panera.

Tom, I did capture a barn!

Below almost home.  Our road gets sanded, never salted.


  1. Beautiful, snowy pictures. It has been bitter cold here with lots of ice and snow and we didn't even venture out to church yesterday - just stayed warm and cozy at home. It was very nice. Today, alas, it's off to work. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  2. We’ve had more snow, so it will be looking like that here too — again. In fact it hasn’t stopped looking like that much lately.

  3. ...these are gorgeous Marcia, we are getting rain and snow. Messy!

  4. The photo with the barn is especially pretty! What a snowy landscape you have! Stay warm!

  5. I wish NY would use more sand like NH does for the suburban roads!!
    WE finally got fact it's STILL snowing so I have the day off from teaching. Great pics!! LOVE the spot of color in the barn one.

  6. These are most enjoyable photos, and I'm glad to hear of just sand on the road. Here the snow clouds are fighting a sunny windy day...though forecast to finally drop snow, it's becoming highly unlikely.

  7. It's snowing here in Nashua, NH, as I post this comment, Marcia, and your snow scenes were lovely to see. We saw similar scenes on Friday we were running some errands. I neglected to take any photos but just appreciated the beauty of the snow covered trees.


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