Thursday, November 17, 2022

Enjoy Your Thanksgiving This Month


Our daughter in Buffalo, her husband and two daughters arrive for a week long visit on the 19th.  Revision: they arrive late tonight (Thursday) due to a major snow storm headed to Buffalo on Thursday night.

They haven't been here since June 2021 and we've made a lot of changes since then. 

The whole family will gather here for the feast on Thanksgiving Day.

A wonderful time of year so I'm posting this and taking a pause for a bit.

[The card in the background came to me last Thanksgiving from Mary of Trundling Through Life. Thank you, Mary.]


  1. Boy, are you gonna have a week of fun and food and family. Enjoy, which I am sure you will.

  2. When I saw the storm coming toward Buffalo, I thought of many of my friends who came from there and still have relatives there. Glad your family is getting out in time to escape the major "lake effect snow" which I know they live with each winter. Have a great holiday with your family...don't eat too much (she say's as if she doesn't know better that everybody will!) lots of good time creating more memories.

  3. Good to see your family is on track to travel tonight. The weather in Buffalo sounds ominous. The tents were beautiful and a great place for dinners. Though when the "Background" music began it was impossible to have a conversation, at least for me.

  4. what a lovely surprise to see the card on your blog. I'm so glad you like it!

  5. Sending best wishes to you and your family for a Happy Thanksgiving holiday, Marcia. How wonderful that you will all be together.

  6. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving together with your family... many greetings from overseas :-)) and I will have a turkey in the oven... we look forward to it. Hug Viola

  7. How terrific--a big family Thanksgiving! Enjoy it all!

  8. Have a wonderful family Thanksgiving, Marcia!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family! I hope you have a joyous time together.

  10. The card is beautiful and so true. Our youngest son and family will be leaving your state, NH, arriving here, CA., on the 16th of Dec.. So excited!! We haven't seen them since last Christmas. Enjoy your time with family.

  11. I hope the storm didn't ruin your holiday plans. I know what it is like to deal with that kind of snow. Just keep your head down and shove by shovel.

  12. I hope you had a fabulous family Thanksgiving holiday.


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