Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Christmas Stamps


I couldn't decide on which stamps to buy but since I needed a bit I got one of each.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Spotted this tree set up at the Power House Mall in Lebanon, NH.

Monday, November 28, 2022

It's Beginning.


Tree was set up on Saturday and as I write this Sunday afternoon is awaiting ornaments.

Thanksgiving gathering last Thursday was marvelous.

Lots of new memories made.

Turkey turned out as the best I've ever made.  Fresh, locally raised made the difference as did the dry herb and salt rub I used the day before.  Lots of yummy leftovers including turkey pot pie and turkey coconut curry. Soup still to be made too.

Checked my record keeping and discovered I hadn't hosted Thanksgiving since 2012 when we still lived in the Lodge.  It was the last Thanksgiving we spent with my Mom.  She died then in September 2013.

But now it's time for Christmas preparations.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Enjoy Your Thanksgiving This Month


Our daughter in Buffalo, her husband and two daughters arrive for a week long visit on the 19th.  Revision: they arrive late tonight (Thursday) due to a major snow storm headed to Buffalo on Thursday night.

They haven't been here since June 2021 and we've made a lot of changes since then. 

The whole family will gather here for the feast on Thanksgiving Day.

A wonderful time of year so I'm posting this and taking a pause for a bit.

[The card in the background came to me last Thanksgiving from Mary of Trundling Through Life. Thank you, Mary.]

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

One Week Later ...

I'm so thankful for the election results.  My faith in the electorate to do the right thing has been encouraged, though not totally considering the number of election denying liars out there who did get elected.

Nice to have a flower blooming at the kitchen window when nothing is blooming outside.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Let's Laugh Again


Thank you, Marilyn for sharing these with me.

Saturday, November 12, 2022


 We had friends from MD visit for three nights this past week.

We took them to some of the usual highlights:

Cornish-Windsor Bridge

St. Gaudens National Site

and a new spot the Sugar River Rail Trail.

Now we have a four legged "granddog" visiting.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Good News In NH

 The news from here is good.

Maggie Hassan beat out the election denier!

Representative Kuster was re-elected beating out the idiot.

The "Red" Wave didn't materialize!

How did it turn out in your part of the country?

Monday, November 7, 2022


Here's our car sitting on a foggy mountaintop in PA at the end of October.  I'm thinking it's a metaphor for how I feel about what's to come in this country after Tuesday's elections. 

Will I have an idiot 2020 election denier elected to represent me in the Senate?
Will my representative be just as clueless about democracy?

Will the state representatives be against a woman's right to choose and public education?

I'm in a fog of worry.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Wednesday's Hike

 I missed the last two Wednesday walks because of illness and then traveling so today's walk felt good.

We went south from our gathering point to Claremont NH and parked to join the Sugar River Rail Trail. It was a 4 mile hike roundtrip next to the Sugar River.

Train tracks are long gone but the trail is well maintained.  The highlight of the portion we walked are two covered bridges.

The first was the Pier Bridge.

The second and our turnaround point was the Wright Bridge.

The temperature got up to 60ยบ or more so it turned out to be a beautiful day for our hike.

Next week I will miss again as friends are coming to visit.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022