Thursday, August 25, 2022


 I have not seen any wasps this summer outside which I'm glad of because after two stings several years ago and a couple of years apart, I'm allergic!

Just before lunch I spied my first wasp of the year at the sliding door but not outside, inside. 

I called Dan to deal with it and while he hunted for the fly swatter I kept my eyes on the wasp.

It left the slider and headed to a beam in the ceiling and just as Dan got the swatter ready, the wasp tangled in a cobweb. We could see the tiny thin legged spider rush to deal with the wasp.

For a time it looked like the spider was the victor and the spider left his prey wrapped but it was not a secure tie up because the wasp dropped towards the floor.

We hunted and couldn't spy it until it rose from where it hid to another window.  Again the swatter was brought out and Dan was crowned the victor.

No EPI pen required by me thankfully especially since the ones I have are past their expiration dates.


  1. One may say that all's well than ended well!

  2. ...last year they were a trouble problem here!

  3. They were just coming out when we had breakfast on the patio two weeks ago. We were okay that day but decided that we wouldn’t return until October as they are not pleasant breakfast companions.

  4. So worrying when one is allergic. Glad you didn't get stung!

  5. Whew, you did get through that adventure unscathed. Good to hear a good story!

  6. I am with you, Marcia, and try to avoid wasps and thankfully we have not had that issue here in NH. But, when we lived in VA it was not uncommon to find one or two inside the house. Like Dan, Patrick was always summoned go deal with them. Too bad the spider's prey escaped.

  7. Also, the place you mentioned that you will be visiting, The Wilderness Inn, was also on my list for when we will be in the N Woodstock area next weekend, but there wasn’t availability so we chose another lodging. We will be riding the Lafayette Dinner Train we started up again. It was on our “to do” list from a couple of years ago. FYI the dinner train runs through Oct. we also hope to return to St Gaudens in the future and maybe meet up with you and Dan again.

  8. Nature to the rescue! Well, at least the spider slowed it down anyway. Wasp stings are nasty.
    (Yes, I loved my life in Minnesota and would like to live there again. I really feel cheated of two whole years of the boys’ lives because of Covid. The funnest years! But Paul just can’t take the winters so …. making the best of life in the South.)


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