Monday, August 15, 2022


 Back from a wonderful vacation last Saturday, but when a sore throat started the morning of our return trip home, I figured a test was necessary on Sunday morning.

My first ever positive test.  So at the urging of youngest daughter I called the doctor on call and she prescribed Paxlovid - 5 day regime of drugs morning and night to mitigate this virus.  I will take another test on Friday to see whether I can come out of isolation.

Dan has tested negative twice now and no one else in the family has tested positive.  I have no idea where or when I was exposed.


  1. Oh, dear! Glad you've got the Paxlovid. Hope this doesn't hit you too hard.

  2. I am so sorry my daughter just had the same thing happen. Her husband never got it.

  3. ...this is why I stay put, the pandemic isn't over.

  4. What a startling thing to happen. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon.

  5. Hope you are not feeling too rough and it doesn't linger.

  6. While this was not a good thing to happen, Marcia, at least you were home and enjoyed time away before the test. Hope you will be feeling better and resting. Glad to read everyone else was OK.

  7. Maybe COVID was just looking for a good body to settle into for a few days. Then it will be on its way and everything will be back to normal. And maybe in the process your natural immunity will be boosted a little. Fingers crossed for a speedy and complete recovery.

  8. An echo of all said by others. I also just spent the weekend surrounded by people from other places, and carried tests with me in case anyone had symptoms. Many of us slept away from others, and only hugged hello and good-byes. I gladly brought my tests home. I sure hope you are like Joe and Jill Biden with a light case!

  9. praying you get better soon and thank God for the med

  10. I've heard from people that Paxlovid really is a wonder drug. I'm sorry you caught the virus, but hopefully it stayed milder.


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