Wednesday, July 20, 2022


  Dan is still symptom free, day 4 after exposure. We have stayed clear of family nearby though granddaughter #2 got exposed at summer school on Monday and is home today with an ear ache. 

Me? I woke up with a headache today and not the usual migraine type.  I tested and was negative. I'm thinking that Dan may have it symptom free and I am catching it from him. We have both had four shots.

His chorus of 20 now has 8 members testing positive for Covid.  The last person had symptoms for 4 days before she tested positive.


  1. Good to keep checking. Choirs are one of the biggest spreading areas: unmasked projected voices into a small shared air space / room. Get better! Until or if, all of the little kids in the country are properly vaxxed, the little kids are going to pose a risk to each other and all family members, including elders. Sigh. Linda in Kansas

  2. Ooh, I do hope you are both clear! I think most people will get it eventually but like you, I'm making strenuous efforts to stay clear.

  3. ...the new variants are a challenge.

  4. Shauna is not symptom free, She has cold and throat issues. I think the kids are still ok.

  5. It's not safe out there. At least having the shots seems to prevent hospitalization and/or death.

  6. Stay well friend. One friend of mine felt horrible after a plane flight and visit to relatives out of state, took a test and it was negative. She felt worse the next day and went to a clinic and took a second test that was negative. Her third test was positive, by then she had infected the person who drove her to urgent care. This is by way of saying negative tests are wrong all too frequently so be skeptical of negative results.

  7. I hope you both stay healthy. My husband was sick really only 2 full days and a bit tired after, but we have had our shots too. he tested positive right when his symptoms started.

  8. Best to isolate yourselves just in case. I would have thought after 6 days of being negative you would be ok.


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