Sunday, May 15, 2022

Wild Flowers

Mother's Day we took an afternoon hike in the town forest to see the wild flowers.


Here's the hillside where the photos were taken. You can just make out the very narrow trail. Photo taken on return trip to car so the sun has gone behind the mountain already.



  1. Oooh, I recognize your wild flowers. What a trail to follow! Thanks for sharing them!

  2. I love wildflowers. Looks like a lovely hike. What a great way to spend Mother's Day. :-)

  3. I love the subtle beauty of the forest wildflowers.

  4. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Wow, you saw so many different flowers. I especially love the trilliums and in Minnesota I knew all the places to search them out. I miss them!

  6. I posted that too quickly as I meant to answer the questions in your comment on my blog. Bob did not accompany us to Florida. She doesn’t like to travel and stayed here with a woman who cares for dogs in her home. We are home now, at least for a while.

  7. I love seeing the wildflowers! We have many of these here--though not particularly easy to get to.


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