Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Promise of Things to Come


My daughter gave me a bag of six bulbs she bought on sale.

I found some rocks and a container to rest the root ends just in the water. There are four in this container and two of them have really sprouted.

These two I started later and the roots are just reaching into the water.
By starting at different times I should have blooms spread over some weeks. The promise of things to come.

I also have some herbs growing in water. This bunch from the CSA includes basil, sage, cilantro and rosemary.  I take a pinch when I need some.

My kitchen windowsill is full.


  1. I have quite a few plants in my home too, and love them. I love what you are doing with the bulbs. I have never done that, but may have to give it a try. It looks like you have a good kitchen window for plants. Hope your week is going well. See you again soon!

  2. Those are great! I have ornamentals, with a few orchids, but no springtime bulbs. I love yours, are they narcissi or daffodils? I've done paper whites like that, sitting in water on stones...may have to go by our garden center and see if she has any bulbs when I go out today!

  3. I love the windowsill for your plants and flowers. It's a perfect spot! Hope your day is a good one! Happy new year!

  4. ...paperwhites are pretty, but they are too fragrant for me.

  5. It's always nice to have fresh herbs available. We enjoy having them on our living room windowsill in warmer months, but they don't do well in winter, so we will often buy some fresh herb packs in the supermarket. While it's not quite the same, it's better than dried herbs for some meals. The paperwhites will be nice to watch bloom in your home, Marcia.

  6. Nice to have green things growing in the house this time of year. I leave my plants in the sunroom while the Christmas decorations are up and will be bringing them back in tomorrow when I put the decos away. Our camellias are in full bloom - outside.

  7. Plants in the kitchen window are especially welcome in January.


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