Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sunflower Season and Other News

 These lovelies are from my daughter's garden.  They self seed each year and she transplants them to the ends of her garden beds.  Next year I'd like to have some of my own growing.

For other news: we have a concrete slab in our barn.  It was poured in the rain last Thursday.  Dan has been keeping it wetted down each day as it cures.  Later this week Dave the concrete guy will come back to saw expansion joints in it.

You can see the mess in front of it and our driveway below.  Another contractor has promised a visit this week to do the grading of the driveway including French drains along the house to keep the winter melt out of the basement.  The surface of the drive will be hardpack not asphalt.

Once that's all done the barn whisperer will be back to put on the doors.

Finally just posted nine books to my 2021 books read list.  I've been remiss in posting there.  Check it out if you need some book suggestions.


  1. I will be looking at your book suggestions for sure. So glad to see you are making progress on the barn. It looks like a big project. Hope you didn't get too much rain from Henrie. I love the sunflowers. Hope your week is going well. :-)

  2. The two tone sunflower is especially attractive.

  3. ...things are looking good on multiple fronts!

  4. Beautiful sunflowers...one looks like it was painted to achieve the color variations! Such great news that your barn is moving forward to garage status.

  5. There's nothing like sunflowers to brighten up any room and the outdoors as well. Glad your daughter has provided you with these colorful beauties, Marcia. Also good news to read on the barn renovations and driveway. i dhecked your 2021 books read list and found we have read a number of the same ones. I really enjoyed the Paris Library and Moonflower Murders. If you haven't read The Last Bookshop in London, I would recommend that one as well. I finished Hamnet and it was more interesting than I would have thought.

  6. Your sunflowers are just glorious! (There is no other word so I am repeating it as I think I used it referring to the ones in your header a few days ago.) Your barn floor looks great and I’m off to check out your book recommendations.

  7. Beautiful sunflowers! Hooray for the concrete slab! And Many thanks for including CROWS in your reading list!

  8. I'm sure that sunflowers would look wonderful set against the colour of that barn.
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