Thursday, July 22, 2021

Have You Seen This One?

In other news, I'm going to take a break for a bit.  I'm tired of posting about how slow contractors work or don't work.  Would you believe the deck is still not finished? No sign of the concrete for the barn flooring and nothing from the tree/landscape contractor.

Maybe when I return there will be more interesting things to share.



  1. ...perhap I should drive out to help you with the landscape. I could be there Tuesday.

  2. I'm looking forward to the reveal - eventually! Have fun!

  3. I jokingly wonder if Amazon could provide this service.

  4. This would never have happened in Victorian times. I couldn't park my car this morning because I couldn't download the app you need to pay. I long to go back to the days of the parking attendant who took your money as you drove into the carpark.

  5. I've heard that many building supplies are hard to obtain, with shipping being the main reason given. My son ordered some cabinets for his kitchen, they are due to arrive by Christmas!

  6. Hoping your contractors get busy soon!

  7. I hope, you will get the work done faster.

  8. Taking a break is always a good idea when things are getting you too frustrated to think and all you want to do is shout, Marcia. Hope you have some fun adventures and we are still planning our NH-VT road trip for sometime in August, possibly for our anniversary.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.